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Mold and Mildew Prevention


As part of Ohio University’s response to mold and mildew performed by the department of Facilities Maintenance and Safety, Housing and Residence Life provides the following information about the potential for mold and mildew in the residence halls.

What is mold?


Mold is a naturally occurring fungus that is generally considered an indoor air allergen similar to pollen, animal dander, dust, and dust mites. Mold produces tiny spores, 哪些与植物的种子作用相似, 扩散霉菌菌落的生长.

Where is mold found?

According to the EPA, “Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, 只要有水分和氧气存在. 有些霉菌可以生长在木材、纸张、地毯、食物和绝缘材料上. 当建筑物或建筑材料上积聚过多的水分时, mold growth will often occur, 特别是如果湿气问题仍然没有被发现或解决. 要消除室内环境中的所有霉菌和霉菌孢子是不可能的. 然而,霉菌的生长可以通过控制室内湿度来控制.” 

What does mold look like?

霉菌有成千上万种, 其中大多数在室外自然发生,建筑物内也有一些孢子. 霉菌通常是白色、绿色、黑色、黄色、棕色或橙色. 其质地可以像粉末、棉花、天鹅绒或焦油一样变化.

如怀疑室内任何表面有霉菌, it should be reported to Facilities Management and Safety to be cleaned as soon as possible to prevent further growth.



  • 报告任何水问题(马桶后面或水槽下面漏水), dripping faucets, wet carpet, leak from a ceiling, etc.),立即致电740与设施管理及安全联络.593.2911.
  • Set the air conditioning thermostat between 74 to 76 degrees and run the fan on auto to reduce the amount of condensation on or around windows and to maintain proper airflow.
  • Keep room air vents (where applicable) in all areas open and unobstructed to maintain proper airflow.
  • 在制冷或供暖季节不开窗.
  • 定期清洁浴室区域(住在套房的学生), including the shower curtain liner, with bathroom cleaner to prevent the growth of soap scum which is an excellent food source for mold. 在使用任何清洁产品之前,一定要遵循说明并阅读所有注意事项.
  • 如果在您的生活空间(例如套房)提供浴室排气扇, 洗澡时一定要把电扇打开. After your shower, keep the shower door closed and the fan running for an extra 10 to 15 minutes to remove excess moisture from the air.
  • 不要把毛巾(或其他湿的东西)挂在床垫和床架之间晾干. 这可能会导致床垫底部滋生霉菌.
  • 良好的家务管理规范(真空地板), wipe down counters, clean up spills quickly, wash out refrigerators, including wiping the doors, etc.) should be shared by all roommates to help reduce the number of food sources for mold growth.

To report mold or mildew growth in your room, contact Facilities Management and Safety at 740.593.2911.

Are there instances of mold or mildew concerns where Facilities Management and Safety will not respond?

In some cases, mold growth is due to poor cleaning habits and are the responsibility of occupants. 这方面的例子包括:

  • Maintaining Microfridges - Students are typically responsible for maintaining and cleaning the University provided microfridge. Students should leave adequate time between defrosting and leaving before breaks and routinely wipe out the inside of the microfridge. Failure to adequately maintain the microfridge with regular cleaning can result in mold growth inside or outside of the unit. 
  • Bathroom/Shower Areas of Suite Style Rooms. Residential Custodial Services (RCS) maintains and regularly cleans all common area showers in our traditional and mod style facilities. 在布罗姆利的淋浴和浴室区域的清洁, Adams, Sowle, Carr, Tanaka, 而运气是住在一个套房里的学生的责任.

Facilities Management and Safety staff will respond to all suspected mold and mildew calls. They will investigate and determine if there are any mechanical issues that need to be addressed and enter the necessary work orders to make repairs. Surface mold is typically cleaned with the appropriate fungicide during the initial investigation. 如果在初步调查期间没有发现,该区域将在24小时内进行清理. The student and Housing and Residence Life will be notified once the cleaning is complete.

What routine preventative measures are taken in the residence halls to reduce the likelihood of mold or mildew growth?

Our Facilities Management and Safety staff provide routine maintenance of all buildings and carefully maintains the cooling and heating systems. 这包括清洁、维护、更新和修理暖通空调设备. All residence halls are cleaned by our trained custodians before the beginning of every academic year and when a room becomes completely vacant. 

任何时候都需要考虑空间的湿度(通常是季节性的), 设施管理和安全部门将调查并提供解决方案.

Housing and Residence Life staff complete Health and Safety inspections to ensure that each room meets health and safety standards. Any suspected area of mold or mildew growth observed is reported and remediated by Facilities Management and Safety.

我的房间疑似长了霉菌,我觉得不舒服,想换房间. How do I request a relocation?

根据联邦健康和安全机构, 霉菌生长在室内和室外环境中都很常见. Some people are sensitive to mold and may experience short-term reactions in the presence of mold. Symptoms associated with mold exposure are not unique and cannot be readily distinguished from symptoms caused by other medical conditions, 如普通感冒或季节性环境过敏. 因为有些人可能会有更强烈的反应, those with medical conditions or who experience symptoms should consult with medical personnel regarding their risk to mold exposure.

为了方便搬到校园的另一个空间, we ask that you visit the Health Center or your doctor to assess your situation and the likelihood that the symptoms you are experiencing may be related to a mold or mildew allergy. If that is the case, please contact Housing and Residence Life at 740-593-4090 to learn more about options for temporary or permanent relocation to another on-campus residence hall location.


霉菌每天都存在于室内和室外的空气中,也存在于我们周围的物体表面. 它需要水分和食物来源来繁殖霉菌. The University does not routinely conduct air sampling for mold and instead follows federal agency guidance:

From the CDC判断什么是可接受的标准, tolerable, or normal quantity of mold have not been established" and "Generally it is not necessary to identify the species of mold growth in a residence, 疾控中心不建议对霉菌进行常规取样. Current evidence indicates that allergies are the type of diseases most often associated with molds. Since the susceptibility of individuals varies greatly either because of the amount or type of mold, 抽样和培养在确定健康风险方面是不可靠的... 因此,无论存在何种霉菌,都应安排将其去除." 

From the U.S. 环境保护署(EPA)在大多数情况下,如果存在明显的霉菌生长,则无需取样. 因为美国环保署或其他联邦政府没有对霉菌或霉菌孢子设定限制, 抽样不能用于检查建筑物是否符合联邦模具标准.”


霉菌和霉菌修复不受EPA或CDC的监管. According to the EPA, mold cannot be eliminated in the environment unless extreme measures are taken constantly, 就像在“洁净室”实验室一样. The presence of visible mold on indoor building materials is generally agreed by professionals to be an unacceptable condition that should be remediated as quickly as possible. Anytime that mold or mildew is suspected Facilities Management and Safety should be contacted at 740.593.2911.