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What amenities does my residence hall room have?

每个房间都有一张床, 80” long mattress (extra-long twin sheets), closet, wardrobe, dresser, and a desk with desk chair for each student. Some students bring additional storage units to supplement what is provided.

Each room has a refrigerator/microwave combination unit, no additional refrigerator or microwave is permitted.


不,学生不允许安装电视、架子或任何其他可能损坏墙壁的物体. 由于在墙上安装重物而造成的墙壁损坏,学生将被收取费用.

Can I store the "extra" room furniture that I don't want?

All provided furniture must remain in the room - no exceptions.


宿舍协会 has contracted with who will take orders and deliver lofts to student rooms prior to move in. 租一间阁楼床是在你的房间里创造额外生活空间的一种简单而实惠的方式. 学生可以在 Bedloft. 通过以下方式下单 网站上公布的日期 在传统的入住日之前,保证床上阁楼的交付和组装到您的房间. 任何可能提前到达的学生将不会在他们到达之前将他们的阁楼交付和设置好. Lofts may also be rented on move-in day, but quantities will be limited.

Please go here for more information about lofts. 提前了解你分配的房间是否能容纳阁楼将节省你的时间和金钱(见下文)。. 大多数三居室要么已经有阁楼,要么不容纳额外的阁楼. For safety reasons, no personally constructed lofts will be permitted. 如果你选择阁楼的话, 请注意,学校颁发的家具不能从房间里移走,床也不允许拆卸. 租来的阁楼必须在学年结束时拆除.来接他们. 如果你在一年中换了房间, you are responsible for moving and resetting up the loft, 同时通知Bedloft.请注意换房间. newbb电子平台 strongly encourages the use of a bedrail with all lofts.


Yes, students may elect to purchase a futon for their room. However, all of the provided furniture must remain in the room.

Additionally, newbb电子平台 partners with Bedloft.Com作为我们首选的蒲团供应商. Bedloft's full-sized futon may be used as a love seat, lounger, or bed. 学生可在网上预订蒲团 Bedloft 在传统的入住日期之前,把蒲团送到他们的房间组装好.


How can I find out the measurements of my room?

All available 房间的尺寸 are listed on provided on our 大会堂索引网页.


Most rooms have pull shades at each window. The Convocation Center rooms have mini-blinds instead of the pull shades. If you would like more than a shade or mini blinds, 你/你的室友可以带窗帘和一根拉力(弹簧)杆以便悬挂. More more specific information about window sizes, check out our 房间的尺寸.


Our standard set up is for the beds to come bunked within most room types. Within triples, one set of beds will come bunked. If your beds are bunked and you wish to have them unbunked during the year, Residential 托管服务 (RCS) will do this for you. 为这个请求提交一个工单. 申请按先到者处理, 标间, 根据请求的数量,可能需要几天的时间来完成您的请求. newbb电子平台强烈鼓励在所有双层床上使用床栏.


房间不允许涂画,但欢迎学生装饰自己的房间. 请记住,出于防火原因,只有25%的墙壁空间可以被海报覆盖. 我们建议在大多数大厅的悬挂装饰中使用可拆卸粘合剂(如命令条). 在卡尔,索尔,田中, & Luchs Halls command strips are not permitted, the staff office will provide residents with small nails. 任何大厅都不允许使用管道胶带、遮蔽胶带或破坏墙壁的粘合剂. 您将对指定房间的任何损坏承担经济责任.


Yes, all of our residence hall rooms have air conditioning.


Yes. Students are welcome to bring a UL Approved Air Purifier (non-ozone).

Will newbb电子平台 replace my personal property if it is lost or stolen?

newbb电子平台 does not carry insurance on student’s personal items. 建议学生携带租客保险,以防个人物品被盗或损坏. 向你的房主的保险公司咨询,或者在网上搜索专门从事这类保险的公司.

What happens if I lose my key or lock myself out of my room?

你要对自己的钥匙负责. Be careful and never lend your keys to anyone. 你的安全是第一位的, 所以养成一个习惯,当你不在房间的时候锁上你的房间,并确保你带着你的钥匙. 如果你把自己锁在外面, 联系南格林生活学习中心一楼的帮助台,电话740.566.9001寻求帮助. 标准营业时间是上午8点.m. to 8 p.m. 星期一至星期五. 如果您在这些时间之外被锁在房间外面,请联系大堂值班电话寻求帮助. Lock out instructions and numbers will be posted in the hall for reference.

撑开外面的门, 把钥匙借给别人, 或者让一个陌生人进入大楼都是对你和大楼里所有居民的安全构成威胁. Residents who engage in such behavior may be subject to disciplinary action.

Lost keys will have to be replaced, and a lock change will be necessary. 您的学生帐户将被收取任何丢失的钥匙和任何相关的换锁费用.


For any issues related to pest control (ants, bugs, etc.) call 环境卫生 and Safety at 740.593.请留言或留言 在线工作请求.

How do I report a room maintenance problem?

You can enter all work order requests here, 在线工作请求. 任何紧急工作单都应打电话给设施管理处,电话740.593.2911.


Halls are open for Thanksgiving Break 和春假 at no additional cost. 冬季和学期前的过渡期间需要额外的费用,需要补充申请. Students who need to stay in Athens during break periods should visit their 住房自助服务 page to apply.


You can view all roommate(s) information on your 住房自助服务 page once you select/receive your housing assignment.

Due to the availability of a fluid room change process, 当分配新室友信息时,住房和居住部不能通知学生. 学生有责任检查他们的住房自助服务页面,以获取最新的室友信息.

How do I ensure that my roommate and I don't bring duplicate items?

Once you learn who your roommate will be, you should make contact with them. Students have access to all other students OHIO email address(es). 大多数室友都想自我介绍,并说明谁会带电视和其他物品. 由于空间有限, it's a good idea to discuss what each roommate plans to bring, so you don't end up with two carpets or two coffee makers.

What if I am unhappy with my room assignment?

我们知道,每个人可能并不总是满意他们的房间分配, but we have staff in place to help address any concerns you may have. 我们的员工经过培训,可以帮助提供资源和工具来解决冲突,也可以帮助调解室友之间的分歧. 如果需要进一步的支持,工作人员将与学生一起研究可能的选择.


newbb电子平台提供了体验文化多样性的绝佳机会, lifestyles, and backgrounds. Because of this, 我们希望学生们欢迎, respect, 对差异要敏感,包括在考虑换房间之前先了解他们的室友. 

我们的换房流程申请表将在秋季入住周末前的星期四开放.  Staff will start monitoring all requests during the first week of classes.  学生可以在秋季学期11月的第一周之前提交房间更换请求. 春季学期的换房申请将在开学第一周开始,春假期间暂停.

Are there additional charges if I change rooms?

Room rates are dependent upon the type of room the student occupies. If a student moves to a more expensive/less expensive room, the appropriate charges/credits will be applied to the student account.

Do I need to move everything out of my room during the break periods?

No, 感恩节假期期间,学生可以把所有个人物品留在房间里, Winter Break (if returning spring semester), 和春假. 你可以考虑带一些有感情或有价值的东西回家. 可能会有员工, contractors, 或在休息期间住在宿舍的临时住房登记的学生. Students must empty their refrigerators and freezers. Further information is available at the floor meetings, 公告板, emails, and checklists placed on your door prior to break periods.

How do I check out of my room if I am leaving?

无论你是在学期期间还是学期结束时退房(不回来), 你在大厅的工作人员那里结账. 这样可以确保他们可以正确地帮你办理退房手续. You must turn in your key as part of the formal check-out. 房费将一直持续到结账完毕,所以请务必按照以下步骤进行!