Picture of the "Shire" from the Lord of the Rings, in New Zeal和


欢迎回到newbb电子平台! 从全球旅行归来是一个充满新感受、新问题和新调整的过程. This process goes by many names - reverse culture shock 和 reentry are common. No matter what you call it, we are here to help.



俄亥俄州信贷项目: Your academic credit comes directly from newbb电子平台. Make sure that you complete all assignments associated with your program-related courses. 如果您有任何问题,请与您的项目主任和/或每门课程的教授沟通. 

Transfer credit programs (Exchanges, Third-Party Providers, Direct Enrolls): 第一个, 与你的提供者或接收机构确认你的成绩单将被发送到正确的地址.


接收数字成绩单? Please have any official digital transcripts sent to admissions@俄亥俄州.edu.

注意:请注意,如果你有任何未付的账单(图书馆罚款),你的留学机构很可能不会寄给你的成绩单, 住房费用, 等).

If you'd like to check on your transfer credit, 你可以去MyOhio学生中心关注它,并按照下面的说明进行操作. 还记得, it can take 2-4 months for your transcript to be received.

  1. Select "Transfer Credit Report" from the drop-down window under the "学者" section.

  2. If you do not see Study Abroad Courses listed, 俄亥俄州 has not received your transcript.

  3. If you see your Study Abroad Courses, you will see: "No Rule" or "Posted"

    • “无规则”表示成绩单已由招生部门处理并发送给学院的转学官.

    • “已发布”是指你的学院/部门已经处理了成绩单,并将课程发布到你的dar


It doesn't have to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience! You can find other ways to travel as a student. 考虑一个比你以前做的更长或更短的项目,以及其他选择,比如 实习或志愿者经历

如果你出国了, consider exploring more of the United States through one of our domestic programs. 反之亦然——如果你参加了一个国内项目,考虑一下国外的短期或长期选择!


当你回来时, 你可能已经找到了新的激情,你想在newbb电子平台的学术研究中融入这些激情. Ask your academic advisor for help finding classes that speak to these new passions. 如果你打算换专业,或者在你的学术计划中增加一套新的主修/辅修/证书课程,一定要和指导老师联系.

Here are some other ways to keep learning about the world:


的re are several post-graduate education abroad opportunities to explore, from finding an international graduate program to short-term research projects.

和你的教授谈谈,看看在其他国家接受高等教育有什么选择. 你也可以参考 全国竞争性奖项办公室 to find ways to fund future educational experiences abroad.

Here are some well-known options to research:


高级管理层普遍认为,全球项目有可能培养新员工的宝贵技能和理想的个人品质. 在一项针对ceo的调查中, 60%的受访者表示,他们公司的招聘和晋升策略承认全球经验的重要性.  

从你的经历中得到最大的收获, create a clear connection between your career goals 和 your study away experience. A 全球 experience can set you apart from other job c和idates. 将你的经历与你之前想要的工作或职业相关的特定技能联系起来, 在, 在你的课程结束后. 

  • 之前: 提前考虑一下,在你的项目结束后,你希望获得什么样的技能和经验.

  • 期间: 在你的经历中反思那些你可以在未来的面试和工作申请中用到的时刻, engage with locals to build intercultural skills, 参与其中——寻找机会. 

  • 后: 市场自己! Create a resume 和 online presence that best demonstrates your strengths 和 skills. 访问 CLDC to update your resume or participate in a event or workshop 

和他们谈谈 Career Leadership 和 Development Center (CLDC) 了解更多关于在你预期的职业中取得成功所需的关键技能或属性, 参加我们的职业研讨会,学习如何将国际经验newbb电子到你的简历中. 


以下是雇主所需要的一些技能,你可以在全球经历中培养这些技能. 在你离开的时候,在每一个例子旁边记下一个使用或发展这项技能的例子, so that you can talk about specific examples in a future interview.  

  • Coping skills (the ability to deal with stressful situations) 

  • 博大精深的战略思维 

  • Communication skills (including active listening 和 overcoming language barriers) 

  • 全球刚性, 欣赏多样性, 文化意识, 和 sensitivity to customs 和 cultural differences 

  • 灵活性和适应性

  • 动机和主动性 

  • 组织和时间管理能力 

  • Ability to identify, set, 和一个chieve goals 

  • 解决问题和危机管理 

  • 耐心和毅力 

  • Independence, self-reliance, 和 responsibility 

  • 领导能力 


你可以找到一份可以让你融入这个日益相互联系的世界的职业. 一些学生找到了允许他们在美国或本国以外工作的工作. 一些选择和考虑包括: 

  • 实习生或志愿者. International job searching can be tough - there can be language 和 cultural barriers, as well as logistical questions around visas 和 relocating. 首先要了解组织 实习或志愿者经历.

  • 国外任教. Interested in teaching English or subject-based classes in another country? Consider getting a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification. newbb电子平台 undergraduate coursework for students interested in TEFL 和一个 研究生TEFL课程. 你也可以找到 其他认可的TEFL课程 全球范围内. 

  • 和平队.和平队 是一个派遣美国公民到世界各地为各种国际发展项目服务的美国政府机构吗.

  • 为一家跨国公司工作. Consider companies or jobs that give you the flexibility to work while you travel, or to have a home base in a different country. 

  • 国际教育. Did you know you could have a job supporting study abroad 和/or international students? 这就是我们所做的! newbb电子平台的工作人员,了解更多关于国际教育工作的类型.


“没有什么比回到一个没有改变的地方,发现自己已经改变了。." ——纳尔逊·曼德拉


给 yourself time to readjust back to your life post-program, 和 relearn yourself! 看看其中的一些 最常见的挑战 faced by students after they return from their 全球 programs. 

你可以独自一人,与朋友或同行,或在一个团体设置打开你的经验. 记住,你并不孤单. By challenging yourself to experience new things, you've joined a community of travelers. 与你在校外结识的朋友和其他newbb电子平台的学生保持联系. 

Check out some other tools you can use in the unpacking process.

  • 密切关注OGO活动! We host a returned student event focused on integrating your experience into your career, 和一个re looking to build out more returnee events.

  • 查看来自 国外经验教训.

  • 花点时间 文化怎么了? 平台. It's an older website, but the resources are still spot-on! 请查看“模块2 -欢迎回来”! 现在?"




与他人分享你的经历! Resist the temptation to "shoebox" your experience, 只有当你觉得需要“重温辉煌的日子”时,才会拿出你的记忆和故事." 


Here are some ideas on how to share 和 carry your experience forward: 

  • Blog or keep a journal about your returnee experience.

  • 自愿与未来的出国留学学生交谈-与你的项目主管或提供者聊天,看看他们是否需要帮助来传播世界! 

  • Go to (or plan) international events on your campus 和 in the surrounding community. 

  • Make an effort to become friends with the international students on your campus. 他们在美国留学,你有机会对他们在这里的时间产生积极的影响.

  • Cook a meal from your time host city or country for family 和 friends.

  • Shop Smart: It’s important to be a conscientious consumer. 看看你的衣服或食物是在哪里生产的,如果你不喜欢你所看到的,考虑调整你的购买习惯.

  • Write a book, screenplay, or musical piece about your experience. Create art that reminds you of your travels.


Sometimes adjusting back to life at home takes time. 看看其中的一些se suggestions if you feel stuck. 记住,你可以使用 newbb电子平台 咨询 & 心理服务的ir office can be reached at 740-593-1616 or check out their 小时 & 位置.

  • 与其他海归保持联系. 在重返职场的过程中,找一个有过类似经历的人交谈是非常有益的.

  • 与你的东道国保持联系. Keep up on news 和 events from your host country, 在newbb电子平台与来自你留学国家的国际学生共进晚餐, 与你在国外结识的朋友保持联系.

  • Talk to staff in the Global Opportunities office. 我们都有过在国外学习和生活的经历,也都经历过重新适应的过程. 如果您在课程结束后有任何问题或疑虑,请随时前来与工作人员交谈.