

Campus-wide Class Cancellation Announcement Procedures

When classes are cancelled campus-wide at the 东校区 or when the 东校区 is closed due to severe winter weather or other exceptional situations, an official announcement will be sent to students who participate in the emergency alert system, posted at the Ohio University 东部 homepage (www.俄亥俄州.edu/eastern), emailed to 俄亥俄州 accounts, and recorded in the phone message system (call 740-695-1720 and follow the prompt for weather closure information) as quickly as the circumstances allow.

The announcement will specify the following information:

  • Date of campus-wide class cancellation or campus closure
  • Part of the day: one-, two-,or three-hour delay, day, evening

A “one-hour delay” for example will mean classes that 开始 之前 9AM are cancelled; those that 开始 after 9AM will meet as normal. “Day classes cancelled” will mean that classes that 开始 之前 5PM will be cancelled. “Evening classes cancelled” will mean that classes that 开始 at 5PM or later will be cancelled.

Announcements will generally be made at least two hours 之前 the 开始 of the cancellation time frame when possible. Day cancellations might follow morning delays; evening cancellations might follow day cancellations, so please look for updates. Special events are also automatically cancelled during campus-wide class cancellations or closings.

The media venues listed below will be asked to provide announcements. The correctness of their broadcasts cannot be guaranteed and should be double-checked against the campus homepage or phone message system.

  • WTOV第九频道
  • WTRF第七频道
  • 是91.凌晨3点至13点40分
  • Wwva - 1170am

Students are always advised to check their emails 之前 commuting to campus in case particular professors have needed to cancel class. Since road conditions may vary substantially around the area, students should use their own judgment about the commute when their classes are not cancelled. Student safety is always our first concern. However, missed class work must be made up in consultation with the professor. Consultation with your professor 之前 your absence is highly recommended.