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Career 资源

Career 资源

Here for you, for life

校友职业网络团队将在你的整个职业生涯中为你提供支持. Whether you’re just starting out on your path, looking to change careers, re-enter the workforce, or focusing on your professional development where you are right now, we’re here to support you. Join us and your fellow alumni on the Bobcat Network and, check out our upcoming events.

Bobcat Network

Bobcat Network 使整个俄亥俄社区能够为今天和未来建立联系.

Work with people in your 地区, 大学, or affinity; explore our alumni job board; share jobs with your fellow alumni, or current students; discover events and learn about what's new on-campus, 并将你的成功或问题分享给newbb电子平台的广大观众,他们在这里为你服务.

Bobcat Network logo


How do I sign up?

Register with your email address. 回答一些关于你的专业知识,你对什么感兴趣,以及你如何帮助newbb电子平台的问题. 连接 your LinkedIn profile if you want, and you’re all set!

I’m signed up. 现在?

的re are lots of things you can do in the Bobcat Network! Join groups that align with your interests, 地区, 或者行业——并通过发布讨论与这些特定的社区互动, asking for tips, or sharing your work. Respond to requests to connect. Post jobs on the job board. Browse upcoming events and event recordings. Check out the Bobcat Neighborhood full of Bobcat-owned businesses. Post on the overall discussion board and share items of interest. Share with your connections looking to build their network. 

I'm already on LinkedIn. how is the Bobcat Network different?

的 Bobcat Network is full of Bobcats willing to help other Bobcats. 我们作为newbb电子平台所共有的联系是团结的,跨越了几代人. We are Forever 俄亥俄州. 为了帮助您完成个人资料,您可以导入您的LinkedIn数据并立即联系newbb电子平台!

I’m looking for employment. How can the Bobcat Network support me?

通过加入newbb电子平台网络,你将有机会进入我们的校友招聘板. 这些职位中有些是你们的校友发布的,有些是从我们的职业数据库中提取的, 握手. 为了申请从握手中提取的工作,您将被要求激活您的校友档案. 握手还举办了向校友开放的招聘会活动,你可以在激活个人资料后注册.

I want to share job opportunities with my fellow alumni. How can I do that?

newbb电子平台家庭互相支持,newbb电子平台喜欢与newbb电子平台一起工作! If you have a job opening at your company, 我们希望你能考虑在newbb电子平台网络的“工作”标签下分享它. 

I want to share job opportunities with current students. How can I do that?

我们喜欢newbb电子平台校友支持我们的学生在他们的职业追求! To share a job opportunity with current students, please visit 握手 and create an employer account. 


Why should I join?

Reconnect with former students, find alumni speakers for your class or special project, and promote upcoming events or publications, 和更多的! 

How do I sign up?

Join using your 俄亥俄州 ID. 回答一些关于你的专业知识,你对什么感兴趣,以及你如何帮助newbb电子平台的问题. 连接 your LinkedIn profile if you want, and you’re all set!


Why should I join?

你们在世界各地有超过27万newbb电子平台校友! 尽早建立你的职业关系网会帮助你在大学毕业后的生活中脱颖而出. 连接 with alumni in your industry or learn about new industries. Learn about a 地区 that interests you. Get career tips. You might just end up with a lifelong friend or mentor. newbb电子平台网络里都是和你一样的newbb电子平台.

How do I sign up?

Join using your 俄亥俄州 ID. 回答几个关于你自己的问题,以及你在网站上寻找什么. 连接 your LinkedIn profile if you have one, and you’re all set.

How can I get the most out of this community?

Join an industry community under the "Groups" tab. Don't be afraid to reach out to new people and ask questions. newbb电子平台网络是一个支持和包容的环境,在这里你可以了解更多关于newbb电子平台以外的生活. 

Bobcat Network Professional Responsibilities and Best Practices

As a participant of the Bobcat Network, 做好准备,建立专业的人际网络,并保持较高的道德标准. 这些最佳实践的建立是为了在与平台上的其他人互动时帮助指导专业/角色. 

诚实 & 完整性

确保在所有的材料和行动中提供准确和专业的信息, communications, and career-related activities on the Bobcat Network platform. 

Professional Code of Conduct

沟通和表现自己专业,同时也要礼貌/尊重你的互动(面对面), 以书面形式, 通过电话, video chat or email) and: 

  • Ensure voicemail 消息 and e-mails are professional in nature. 
  • 接听电话、邮件和邀请,并及时做出适当的回应. 
  • 参加所有与其他参与者安排的一对一互动. 如有可能,请提前两个工作日通知取消预订. 

Networking Do’s & 不该做的事

  • Do ask for advice and information 
  • Don’t ask for a job (or internship) 
  • 在与联系人建立联系后,是否要发送一封简短的感谢信或电子邮件 
  • 不要指望别人会自动与你分享他们的信息和网络联系方式 
  • Do follow up with contacts provided to you 
  • 不要给一个联系人发多封垃圾邮件,也不要给他们打多通电话 

Bobcat Network Administrators

BN管理员有权删除任何被认为不适当的内容. 由于以下原因,帖子或评论可能随时被删除: 

  • 使用淫秽、威胁、歧视或骚扰的语言 
  • Comments advocating illegal activity 
  • 广告:商业产品、服务、实体或个人的广告或促销 
  • 支持或反对任何竞选政治职位的人,或支持或反对任何投票提案
  • Duplicative comments by the same user or multiple users 
  • 屡次违规的用户可能会被要求离开群组或由群组管理员决定暂停其帐户 


  • Removal from the Bobcat Network platform 
  • newbb电子平台完全有权删除联系或不适当的评论, 消息, or anything deemed inappropriate for the site 

如果您对上述任何指导方针有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系 bobcatnetwork@俄亥俄州.edu


国家领导与成功学会(NSLS)是美国最大也是唯一被认可的大学领导发展项目. 我们的地方分会是这个全国组织的一部分,这个组织有750多个分会.8 million existing members. 


Mission Collaborative

Are you wanting more balance, growth, or impact from your career? 感到无聊、精疲力竭、被低估,或者在工作中没有发挥自己的优势? 想知道你的技能和经验如何转化到其他职业道路上? 过渡到生活的新阶段,想要重塑你的职业生涯? This could be the right program for you!
