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Mission Collaborative

你想从你的职业生涯中获得更多的平衡、成长或影响吗? 感到无聊、精疲力竭、被低估,或者在工作中没有发挥自己的优势? 想知道你的技能和经验如何转化到其他职业道路上? 过渡到生活的新阶段,想要重塑你的职业生涯? This could be the right program for you!

newbb电子平台校友会正在与Mission Collaborative的职业设计专家合作,为你带来创造一份充实的职业所需的清晰和信心.

Whether you’re early, mid, or late-career, 奖学金提供了你需要的结构和责任,使你能够取得突破性的进步,你一直在努力实现自己, while fitting into your busy schedule.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, email us at

Is the Career Design Fellowship right for me?

我们设计了这个项目来帮助你明确你的职业生涯下一步想要什么,并制定一个实现目标的计划, regardless of your age, background, or industry.


Career Needs

  • 你已经很清楚自己想要什么,只是需要尽快找到工作
  • 你有一个特殊的情况,你正在寻求帮助(创办公司), figuring out how to get promoted)


  • 你不能承诺完成分配的工作(每周大约7-9小时)
  • You're not able to put your best effort into the program
  • You can't make at least 3 of the Team Meetings


  • You want one-on-one industry expert coaching
  • You don't find peer-to-peer learning rewarding

Attitude/Willingness to Collaborate

  • 你希望别人把答案交给你,却不愿意付出艰苦的努力
  • 你不愿意花时间帮助你的同事
  • 你不想与他人分享你职业生涯的想法/细节(所有参与者承诺在项目中讨论的信息保持匿名)

Still not sure if the program is right for you? Send us a message and we'll talk!

Who is leading the program? What kind of support can I expect?

这不是一个一对一的培训项目,在那里一些“职业专家”会给你正确的答案. Instead, 这是一个同行学习的项目,由我们称之为项目经理的职业设计专家提供支持. 您的项目经理将在旅程的每一步指导您, 提供专门的支持,并确保您对体验感到满意. 

我们发现,这种点对点的方式对大多数人都更有效,因为它创造了一定程度的问责制和视角的多样性,这将帮助你取得突破性进展(不花一美元),000+ the way private coaching does)! 

While the Fellowship does not include 1:1 coaching, 只要你需要额外的支持,你就可以按需访问你的奖学金项目经理!


  • 你需要技术支持我们在团契中使用的任何工具
  • 你对正在完成的任务有疑问或需要反馈
  • 你担心你的团队或责任伙伴
  • 你感到困惑或沮丧,需要一些额外的支持
  • 你对你的团契经历不满意,无论什么原因(我们会解决它)!)
What do you mean by "career design"?

We're not just talking about changing from one career to something entirely unrelated and different; we're talking about making some sort of change to your career that brings you more fulfillment. For some people, success is finding a similar role in a new organization, and for others, success is starting over entirely in a new role, new organization, and new industry. We'll help you figure out what's best for you!

How much time will this take?

我们将课程设计为每周大约7-9小时的工作时间(主要根据您自己的时间表), except for the Team calls, which are 1.5 hours weekly). 

We’ll give you the tools you’ll need to be successful, 但是,是否投入时间和精力来改变你的生活,取决于你自己. 当参与者在建议的截止日期前完成任务时,他们会得到最好的结果, 尽最大努力完成任务,参加所有每周的团队视频电话和责任伙伴会议. 


What technology do I need to participate?

你只需要一台带摄像头的电脑(平板电脑就不行)!), reliable wifi, and a Google account. 我们将使用一个名为teatable的程序来完成课程, a tool called Slack for our community discussion forum, a platform called Jitsi Meet for our video calls, and Google Docs for our assignments.

What if I have to miss one or more of the Team video calls?

虽然我们真的希望你尽可能充分地参与到这个项目中来, we understand that you may occasionally have a conflict. 当你注册时,你会被要求选择周三或周四的会议时间. If you need to miss just one of the four Team video calls, 你可以给你的团队提前警告,然后再补. 但是,如果您需要错过多个项目,我们建议您等待下一个项目.

What is the cost of the program? What is the refund policy?

Enroll early to save $50 for a total of $215. Enroll before the cohort’s start date and pay $265. 您可以在项目开始前7天获得全额退款. After that, we cannot provide a refund, 但我们可以将您的注册日期推迟到项目开始两周后. 

If you are still feeling totally lost after the Program, 我们将提供一对一的指导,帮助你找出具体的不同之处. 如果你按照我们的建议,它仍然不起作用,我们会把你的钱退给你.

Who created the program?

Grant Schroll, cofounder of Mission Collaborative -我热衷于帮助别人弄清楚他们长大后想成为什么样的人. I've navigated several career changes myself, 从工程师到顾问,再到设计师,现在是企业家. 我用我在设计思维和促进方面的背景来重新设想职业转变,并为像你这样大胆的人创造变革性的经历!

Ashley Artrip, Lead Facilitator at Mission Collaborative - I’m on a mission to make changing careers less painful. I combine my experience from Gallup, where I worked on employee engagement research, and at SV Academy, 哪一种职业加速器能帮助未被充分代表的少数族裔进入销售岗位. I am a certified Gallup StrengthsFinder coach, 我会根据你的优势和独特之处提供可行的职业建议,这样你就可以全身心投入到工作中.

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