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Alumni Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight









A highlight of the newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 experience goes beyond the education received, the relationships developed and the sense of community students feel as they attend class and engage in campus activities. Our alumni say it best as they reflect on their time as students and how that experience has impacted their professional and personal lives. 通过阅读下面的故事来了解我们的校友. 如果你想成为我们的校友聚焦系列的一部分,请发电子邮件 and let us know. 



Liesta Walker校友聚光灯

Liesta R. Walker, L.P.C.


当我回顾我的人生旅程, 有几个重大的决定真的, positively, 影响了我旅程的结果. Profoundly important to that outcome was the decision to enroll at newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 at the age of 42. From the very first day of class I gained a new found purpose and heightened confidence. I was able to enhance skill-sets that were only slightly utilized up until that time. I became a lifelong learner, a student advocate and eventually a promoter of student success.

newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 afforded me the academic support essential to gaining the necessary credentials to do what I love most and that is to enrich the lives of young adults and adults alike through the academic arena which is the 赞斯维尔校区. I received individual support from tutors and experienced professors who had open doors and seemingly endless supplies of patience. 通过高度敬业的教授, faculty and staff who were and still remain available to assist each and every student to achieve their goals, 我也有幸在学业上出类拔萃, 专业和个人. My journey began in December of 1995 when I walked through the doors to enroll as an adult freshman student and it continues today.


相信自己. “强迫自己做得更好,这样你就能变得更好.不要听信消极的声音,即使那个声音是你自己的. 寻找导师和学习伙伴, 和你的教授谈谈, 明智地管理你的时间,避免陷入自我怀疑和缺乏时间的陷阱, at times, 甚至是家庭支持. Follow your dream and if you have to modify your dream then talk to your advisor so that you can make necessary adjustments without giving up on your dream. 就像我一样,“你也值得为成为一名大学毕业生而做出牺牲。!”



David Phillipp

David Phillippi

David Phillippi是newbb电子平台的一名自豪的毕业生, 他在赞斯维尔校区度过了头两年. 他在电视和电影领域有着漫长而传奇的职业生涯.

He attributes his success to two important things – networking and confidence – you’ve got to make the right connections in your career and you’ve got to believe in yourself.

Currently, 大卫是一位视频制作人, 有30多年经验的电视和电影主管. 他是科文顿PPS集团的销售和市场总监, Kentucky where he specializes in helping clients develop high-definition TV commercials and Web content.

但这只是他故事的一小部分. He’s a card-carrying member of the Director’s Guild of America (DGA) and has been the Assistant Director of feature films (Summer Catch and Oscar-nominated Seabiscuit among them). He’s also a member of the prestigious MacDowell Society of artists in Cincinnati.

David appreciated his time at the Zanesville campus, building solid relationships with faculty. 小镇的气氛使他想起了自己的家乡俄亥俄州的阿联.

David loves Ohio University so much that earning one degree there just wouldn’t do – he holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication and later returned for an Associate of Applied Science in Electronic Media.

He’s a frequent guest speaker and enjoys motivating young people with career aspirations and networking with other professionals. 他和妻子嘉莉住在辛辛那提. 他的儿子康纳是南卡罗来纳大学的优等生.



Daniel Vincent


Daniel M. Vincent, BSN




当我回顾我的生活,考虑到许多挑战, successes, 以及对我今天所处位置产生重大影响的东西, 我认为newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校是对我影响最大的大学之一. My local education and experiences have given me so many opportunities throughout my life and have helped define who I am today.


As a young adult, choosing a best career and how to get there can be very overwhelming. 我的第一份工作是焊工,这让我想做更多的事情来帮助别人. Fortunately, an EMT course gave me exposure to nursing in a very busy emergency department and I experienced the significant impact nurses have on people's lives.

一旦我找到了我的兴趣, 我需要一条我能负担得起的、方便的教育道路. Most important, I needed a place where I felt comfortable and could be successful. I looked at many programs in Ohio and even took some preliminary classes from another college in Columbus, 但是大城市也很繁忙, traffic, 以及缺乏我想要的人际关系的大班. 在几位德高望重的护士的指导和鼓励下, I found the Nursing Program at newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 and it was a great fit for me. It meant I could come back to the area where I grew up and start my nursing career in two years.

My experience

My college experience was full of excitement and activities and I made many new lifetime friends in both students and professors at the 赞斯维尔校区. I felt I fit and belonged and the professors really supported and cared about me. 我的教育很好, I could afford it and my loans were a fraction of what I would have had at a larger university or private college.

自从我在newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校完成学业以来, 校园不断改善和发展, 用先进的技术进行学习, 额外的课程, new programs, 还有几个学士学位. 如果我是一个今天刚开始上学的学生, I would even be more excited to choose newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 for the learning opportunities, 伟大的教授, 现在是护理学士学位.


I believe in what newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校 has to offer our community for traditional students coming straight from high school or adult learners coming back for a career change. My personal story of success and appreciation for my local education is not unique; it is a very common theme to thousands of students who have found what I found right here in my local community – a great education and a foundation from which to build and grow. 我在newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校所面临的挑战, 以及我获得的知识, 给了我一个成功的护士生涯的坚实开端. Over time, my education has helped me continue to grow professionally and become a leader in the community I love.

I cannot imagine what our area would be like without the educational opportunities we have locally. While the success of each student graduating has an impact on them personally and professionally, 它对我们整个社区也有非常积极的影响. We are very fortunate to have so many great educational opportunities right here at newbb电子平台赞斯维尔分校.