
教师 and 咨询中心 FAQ - Advisors


A priority registration advising hold prevents under研究生 students from performing self-service registration, allowing the advisor to require the student meet with him or her prior to registering. The hold can be released through the 教师 & 咨询中心, which will immediately clear the student to register at or after his or her enrollment appointment time, assuming there are no other holds on the student's account that prevent registration.


推荐人列表有两种基本视图:简单视图和详细视图. 在简单视图中, 学生被列为简单的表行,列中包括姓名, PID, 学术水平, 大学, major/minor/certificate, 校园, enrollment appointment time, 描述一下你和那个学生的关系. 

Clicking the magnifying glass icon 会显示学生的详细信息吗, 包括照片, preferred name (if any), 主要目录年份, academic probation status (if any), 会显示学生的详细信息吗, 包括照片, preferred name (if any), 主要目录年份, academic probation status (if any), 平均绩点, 电子邮件地址, hours attempted/earned (quarter and semester, 如适用), 上学期入学, 电话号码, academic career (under研究生, 研究生, 或医学), 毕业期限, applied for graduation term, 学生指导老师的姓名和电子邮件地址.

Image of Magnifying Glass

每个学生旁边也会出现几个图标. See "What do the icons mean on my advisee list" below for an explanation of each icon.

How do I find the students that need to have their priority registration advising holds released?

锁图标表示学生有优先注册通知等待. 只看那些还有建议的学生, 将“保持释放”下拉框设置为“未释放”." The screen will be refreshed automatically. Please note this might take a few seconds, but you do not need to refresh the screen. Likewise, choosing "Released" will filter to those for whom the holds have already been released.

Image of 锁 Icon

锁图标表示优先级注册通知保持. 单击锁以释放该学生的优先注册通知保留. The lock will not display for students who do not have a priority registration advising hold or for those students for whom you have just released their hold. You can also check the boxes next to several students and use the "release advising holds" button to release multiple holds at once.

Image of 锁 Icon
Can I release multiple holds at once?

是的. 通过勾选被推荐人列表最左边的方框并选择 Release Advising Holds button below the list, the holds on all selected students 即将发布. 通过点击 检查所有显示 每一个 student in the current view will be checked. To see how many are in your current view, look just below the advising list to the left to find the "Showing X to Y of Z entries.”也, note that if you attempt to check multiple students on one page and then travel to the next advisees in your list (hitting Next or Previous, 例如), 您之前选中的通知将被选中.

Can I email a single advisee? How about multiple advisees?

To email one or more advisees simply check the box just as you would to release multiple holds and choose the Email Selected Students button just below the advisee list. 在下面的页面中,您可以选择添加 To, CC or BCC 地址随意. Likewise, you may change the subject of the email from the default message to one of your choosing. Multiple attachments can also be made. The 电子邮件地址es of students you have added to the email list will be displayed on the left. Clicking one of these will allow you to email that student directly using your chosen email client.

How can I view my advisees' dar reports?

dar reports can be accessed for individual advisees by clicking on the icon located to the left of the student's name. This will direct you to a page allowing you to view all the student's dar reports.

Image of icon to view students dar report
我如何输入例外(替换,弃权等).) on the student’s dar?

Access to enter dar exceptions is limited. Dean-level approval is needed to access the tools necessary to process exceptions. 有适当访问权限的个人可以通过以下方式与dar团队联系 dar@俄亥俄州.edu 安排异常处理培训和咨询 dar Exception Manual for more information.

There are other holds on my advisee's account. What are these and can I release them?

Students might have registration holds other than priority registration advising holds. 在学院 & 咨询中心 you are permitted to release the priority registration advising hold for your designated advisees. Clicking on the exclamation point icon will allow you to view a description of other holds (often including contact information), 但除非您通过PeopleSoft获得访问权限,否则您不得发布它们. Students should be instructed to visit their My俄亥俄州 Student Center 有关如何纠正这些hold的更多信息, 或者你可以向他们提供货舱的详细信息.

Image of Exclamation Point
Can I see photos of my advisees?


Image of Magnifying Glass Icon

Enrollment appointments appear on your advisee list if the student has an appointment for the upcoming registration semester (i.e.(学生打算注册下一学期的课程). The student should contact the Office of the University 注册商 if he/she does not have an appointment and is planning to attend next term, 或者认为预约时间不正确的.


If you are a faculty advisor, 你有可能在多个专业上建议那个学生, or both a major and a minor. 另外, 大学/department/校园 designees may see a student multiple times if they are pursuing multiple majors, 未成年人, and/or certificates.

What does relationship mean?

关系字段显示您与该学生的关系. 如果您是学生的帽顾问,则会显示关系字段 . 同样,如果您是一名大学职员,它将显示学院代码. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the Relationship column to filter your list to only students with whom you have a particular relationship (i.e., filter out 帽 or University College advisees to view only your academic advisees).

How current is the information?

被推荐人名单上的大多数信息大约每四个小时更新一次. However, all hold information is real-time. This includes priority registration advising holds and other registration hold information.

没有学生出现在我的顾问名单上. 我该怎么办呢??

First try to reset your filters. 单击 重置 button to the right of the advisee list (next to the Excel export button) or the smaller reset button at the bottom left of the advisee list. This will reset your view to default and display all advisees with whom you have a relationship. 如果这不能解决问题,请尝试重新启动浏览器.

If the problem persists, please call 740.593.4182或电邮 registration@俄亥俄州.edu.

What do the icons mean on my advisee list?

There are several possible icons that could show up next to each student on your advisee list. A brief description of each icon is available at the top of the advisee list page and also as hover hint text. Below are additional descriptions:

Click on to view additional information
Indicates the student has a priority registration advising hold on his/her record. 点击图标释放优先注册通知等待.
Click on to view a student's dar report.
Indicates the student has one or more additional holds on his/her record that will prevent registration. 点击此图标,可查看该hold的详细信息。.
Indicates the student completed a TDCP. Click on the icon to view the TDCP.
Student did not complete a TDCP
Indicates the student did not complete a TDCP.
表示该学生被确定为特殊群体的一部分. 点击图标查看特殊人群信息. 目前, 第一代 students, 运动员, 退伍军人福利, 和俄亥俄荣誉项目的学生是确定的人群.
First generation student: Any student who indicates on his/her admissions application that no parent or guardian has earned a 大学 degree. Because this information is dependent on the admissions application the student completed, and when the application was completed, 并非所有的第一代学生都将被识别出来. 例如, parent degree information was not always collected at the time of application to the University.
退伍军人福利:该学生正在接受退伍军人教育福利. 这可能意味着这个学生是退伍军人,也可能不意味着.
目前没有针对该学生的建议笔记. 点击此图标为该学生添加建议笔记. 请注意,通过在此系统中添加建议说明, 该笔记成为学生正式教育记录的一部分. It is viewable to any person who can view this student's information in this system (i.e., 其他专业的指导老师可以看到你的笔记, if the student changes majors, the note will stay with the student, 等.),学生可随时要求查阅这些笔记. 这只能用于与学术建议相关的笔记, and it is generally not appropriate to include references to things such as medical information.
表示存在针对该学生的建议笔记. Click on the icon to view the 建议指出.


我想联系我的指导老师,但仅限于本学期入学的那些. 我该怎么做呢?

查看仅为本学期注册的顾问列表, 你可以使用推荐学生列表顶部的“注册学期”过滤器. By selecting one of the terms in the list, 您可以筛选您的建议,只有那些在选定的学期注册.

What are 建议指出?

Advising notes are an optional way of tracking information about students' advising sessions. You can use 建议指出 to track things such as which elective you advised a student to take, what major(s) the student is considering, 你就学生如何提高学习技巧达成的协议, 等.

请注意,通过在此系统中添加建议说明, 该笔记成为学生正式教育记录的一部分. It is viewable to any person who can view this student's information in this system (i.e., 其他专业的指导老师可以看到你的笔记, if the student changes majors, the note will stay with the student, 等.),学生可随时要求查阅这些笔记. 这只能用于与学术建议有关的笔记, and it is generally not appropriate to include references to things such as medical information.


并不是所有你建议过的学生都在你的建议名单上. 只有最近的学生在你的名单上. That includes students who may enroll (i.e., 术语是否在PeopleSoft中被激活)用于当前的术语或任何未来的术语, as well as any students who have applied for graduation (but for whom a confer/deny decision has not been recorded).