


Rec滑冰 ice times are open skating sessions available to all experience levels and ages.

Helmets, skating aids, and rental skates (additional $5 fee) will be available at the Front Desk. 欲了解更多信息或住宿,请致电 740.593.4623或电邮 校园.recreation@俄亥俄州.edu.

Rec滑冰  Time
周二Noon-1 p.m.
周四10-11:30 p.m.

7:00-9:00 p.m.

*This timeslot will only be observed on 3/15 and 3/29


1:00-2:00 p.m.


7:00-9:00 p.m.

*This timeslot will only be observed on 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30


2:30-4:00 p.m.

*This time slot will not be observed on 2/4 or 3/10

Before attending, please review the Rec滑冰 Policies and Procedures.

鸟 Arena recskate政策及程序:

Ice skating is for fun and enjoyment for everyone. 滑冰的乐趣有很多. Regardless of your skill level, there are elements of risk in ice skating. Use good judgement, show courtesy to others, and anticipate dangerous situations before they arise. The following rules are basic elements of safety and courtesy:

  • Participants must pay or check in at the Front Desk prior to skating.
  • All participants must sign a waiver before entering the ice.
  • 鸟 Arena staff will be 在冰上 as ‘Skate Guards’ if participants need any assistance.
  • Helmets are strongly recommended for all participants. Please request a helmet at the Front Desk free of charge.
  • No rough housing or playing tag, chase, or “crack-the-whip”.
  • No metal, plastic, hard hair accessories or jewelry permitted while skating.
  • Long pants, layers, and gloves are recommended while 在冰上.
  • 没有棒子、冰球或球.
  • 任何时候都不要碰玻璃.
  • Children 17 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult.
  • 不要绕着其他溜冰者或圆锥体旋转.
  • No excessive roughness, speed skating, or skating against the designated skating pattern.
  • 没有溜冰鞋谁也不许上冰面.
  • 不得故意在冰上滑行或跳水.
  • No kicking or chipping of the ice or dasher boards.
  • No more than 2 people may skate together (no chains)
  • 不要坐在或靠在板子上.
  • Skaters are not permitted in the team bench areas or penalty box.
  • Ice skates are not allowed in bleachers or spaces without rubber flooring.
  • 任何时候禁止携带儿童在冰上.
  • No personal items such as headphones, handbags, phones, cameras, etc. 在冰上.
  • All exits and doors must remain clear at all times.
  • 不吃不喝, 烟草, or alcohol products are permitted 在冰上 or inside the facility at any time.
  • Please skate in counter clockwise motion unless otherwise instructed by 鸟 Arena staff.
  • Report any dangerous situations or behavior to 鸟 Arena staff immediately.
  • Skaters participating in open skate are doing so at their own risk.
  • Younger and inexperienced skaters should skate near the boards.
  • Use of profanity or obscene gestures is strictly prohibited.
  • No personal music is to be played inside the facility.
  • All ice surface doors must remain closed during resurfacing.
  • No chairs or learn to skate devices allowed 在冰上.
  • 鸟 Arena reserves the right to stop any behavior or actions considered to be unsafe. You may be asked to sit out for a certain amount of time and/or leave the ice.
  • 鸟 Arena/校园娱乐 is not responsible for lost, damaged, or missing items. 所有选手 & spectators must act responsibility while 在冰上 and in the rink- Disruptive behavior may result in dismissal from the program without reimbursement.

There are elements of risk that good judgement and personal awareness can help reduce. You are ultimately responsible for your personal safety. 要小心,滑得有分寸. 尊重其他溜冰者. It is part of your responsibility to avoid other skaters and hazards. 没有良好的判断力, 负责任地滑冰, or to follow the rules will result in the loss of skating privileges.



《newbb电子》又回来了! Learn To Skate USA curriculum will be used for Snowplow Sam levels 1-4, 基础水平1-6, 和JR Blades/Free Skate. Skating sessions are designed to teach the basics of figure skating or recreational skating.


Spring 2024 Learn To Skate: Open House will be 周四, January 18 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and sessions will begin January 25 through February 29. 

网上登记: RecShop!


自由泳 ice time is for scheduled private one-on-one lessons & 独立技术滑冰. 自由泳 sessions allow skaters extra practice time to fine-tune their skills. Skaters can work independently on various skills or receive a scheduled private lesson by an outside instructor.

Skaters below the level of Basic 4 must be in a lesson with an instructor in order to skate during 自由泳 ice times.


**The following 自由泳 times will be beginning on March 11, 2024

星期一 5:15pm-7:15 p.m. 
星期二5:30-7:30 p.m.

5:15-7:15 p.m.


周四5:15-8:15 p.m.

4:00-6:00 p.m. 



10:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

*自由泳只会在3月16日进行 & 3/30(3/9没有自由式比赛 & 3/23)


1:15-2:15 p.m.



Before attending, please review the 自由泳 Policies and Procedures.


自由泳 ice time is for scheduled private one-on-one lessons and 独立技术滑冰. 自由泳 sessions allow experienced skaters extra practice time to fine-tune their skills. Skaters can work independently on various skills or receive a scheduled private lesson from an outside instructor.

Skaters below the level of Learn-to-Skate USA’s Basic 4 must be in a lesson with an instructor in order to skate during 自由泳 ice time. 基础4级以下选手, who are not engaged in a lesson with a private coach, 可能会被要求离开冰块吗, 但欢迎大家参加我们的活动. We reserve the right to require skaters to show acceptable documentation demonstrating that they meet or exceed Learn-to-Skate USA’s Basic 4 level.


所有选手 must fill out a current assumption of risk form at the front desk before skating.

1. All 自由泳 ice time must be purchased at the front desk 之前 到会议. 

2. Ice监督员保留询问的权利 溜冰者或家长 to leave the rink in relation to disciplinary issues should they see fit.

3. NO 团体滑冰/三人以上的团体. 这包括花样滑冰组 & 3人以上团队.

4. Parents/guardians are legally liable and responsible for their children while using 自由泳 ice. 

5. NO 允许使用任何类型的耳机/耳塞.

6. Children under 12 are not permitted 在冰上 without a coach (Unless approved by coaching staff or the child is above the skill level of Basic 4) 

7. 只有冰监控器会播放音乐. 如果你想演奏音乐,它必须: 

  • 与一个程序/数字相关
  • Be already cut, appropriate, and approved by staff
  • 发邮件到 skating@俄亥俄州.edu 之前 到会议. 



1. 溜冰者不得以这种方式溜冰, 也不做其他任何事, that might endanger themselves or any other skater. More experienced skaters must ensure that they do not threaten the safety of less experienced skaters 在冰上. Less experienced skaters should stay to the edges of the ice, 除非是在私人课上, to ensure more experienced skaters are able to practice jumps and spins safely.

2. Skaters and visitors are to act courteously towards other skaters, employees, and visitors. Any verbal threats, cursing, or other inappropriate behavior will be reported to management. Anyone deemed by the Ice Monitor on duty to have violated this rule shall have their behavior documented and, depending on the nature and severity of the incident, may be given a warning and an opportunity to improve their behavior. Violation of this rule may result in loss of 自由泳 privileges.

3. 滑冰运动员应该准备好工作. Socializing should be done off ice or in a hockey box where those socializing are not in the way of others who are skating. If any skaters or patrons are causing a disruption to other participants, then the Ice Monitor will address the concerns and may remove the patron/skater from the facility.

4. Sitting or climbing over the boards is prohibited.

5. Skaters and others shall not obstruct the entrances to and from the ice surfaces. Skaters should look both ways when entering and re-entering the ice from the entrances or from positions along the barrier.

6. Skaters and others should not interrupt a private lesson in progress. 然而, 私人教练不得索赔, 或者把一段冰封起来, and should recognize that all skaters need access to the entire ice surface. Recognizing the flow of skaters and avoiding skating patterns of others is the responsibility of the private instructor to ensure skater safety.

7. 所有选手 participating in a 自由泳 session must observe the ice and general safety rules by watching out for those around them, 预测跳伞者会在哪里降落, 而不是在跳跃角落里游荡. “Jump corners” refers to the corners of the rink in, 或者绕着对峙圈, 冰面上有哪些标记. Skaters must become familiar with and not interfere with jump patterns.

8. Skaters should be observant and watch out for fallen participants. If a skater falls and an injury occurs where a skater may not be able to get up due to injury, the Ice Monitor will attend to the fallen skater and provide assistance.

9. 当使用跳绳时, skaters must remember that the skater in the jump harness cannot get out of the way quickly. Cones must be utilized when the jump harness is in use to properly mark the skater’s path. The skater using the jump harness is the only one who can use the cones during this time.

10. Both hockey and figure skaters are allowed 在冰上 during freestyle. 但是,曲棍球网和冰球是不允许带进去的.

11. Stationary props are not considered loose objects when being utilized as part of a figure skating routine and may only be 在冰上 during the routine. Skaters must check with the ice monitor before using stationary props. The prop must be returned to an office location when not being used.

12. Loose objects used for instructional purposes such as cones, 桶, or other similar items are not permitted 在冰上 during ice hockey skating instruction.

The Ice Monitor has discretion to interpret and enforce all applicable policies and rules as they deem appropriate.

自由式溜冰鞋的价格都列在 收费和会员页面. Skaters must purchase 自由泳 access passes in addition to private lesson fees. 鸟 Arena staff will be located at the ice to monitor 自由泳 times and music. 欲了解更多信息或住宿,请致电 740.593.4623 或电子邮件 校园.recreation@俄亥俄州.edu.


Private lessons must be coordinated by external instructors. Instructors who are interested in providing Private Lessons at 鸟 Arena can find more information by contacting skating@俄亥俄州.edu. 欲了解更多信息或住宿,请致电 740.593.4623 或电子邮件 skating@俄亥俄州.edu.

Skaters looking for a private lesson must coordinate lesson times and payment with an outside coach/instructor. 鸟 Arena will keep an active list of instructors and contact information for interested participants. Payments for private lessons must be completed directly with your coach/instructor. The 15 minute 自由泳 ice time entry fees will be paid at the Front Desk with 鸟类冰场 工作人员.

Example: If you have a 15 minute private ice lesson with an outside instructor, you will pay the 15 minute 自由泳 entry fee at the Front Desk and will also pay your instructor directly for the lesson.


鸟冰竞技场是引以为傲的 花样滑冰俱乐部队. For more information about the 花样滑冰 Club, please email OhioSynchro@俄亥俄州.edu.