

认证是自愿的, 由同行领导的过程,高等教育机构对其教育项目的质量负责. 同行评议者, 高等教育领域的专家, 负责确保院校符合评审准则,并协助院校在其本身的使命范围内发展.

newbb电子平台 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC, formerly the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 高等教育机构委员会),自1913年以来一直获得认可. 高等教育委员会, 成立于1895年, 是机构认证机构吗, 认可院校, 包括所有的学位课程.

获得认可是一个时间和资源密集的过程,表明了对机构有效性和不断提高学术质量的承诺. It involves faculty, staff, students, and all other stakeholders of 大学.


院校认证很重要,因为它把保证院校质量的责任推给了院校本身. Institutional accreditation evaluates the capacity of an institution to assure its own quality. 通过这样做,它允许每个机构在其使命的背景下接近认证标准.  通过特定的途径, institutions engage in evaluation cycles to reaffirm compliance with HLC requirements. 通过这些评估周期,HLC期望机构提供符合认证标准的证据.

The 认可准则 should be view through this lens. HLC希望机构有政策, 流程, 以及对质量保证的期望,贯穿于整个教育项目. 例如, governing boards should ensure quality through its governance structures, with appropriate degrees of involvement and delegation, institutional planning is important because it is critical to sustaining quality, 对学生学习的评估和对坚持和完成的关注是学校提高和确保教学质量的方法.

简而言之, accreditation is important because it affirms newbb电子平台 is providing a quality 教育, 就newbb电子平台如何达到国家认可的标准提供了来自该领域专家的宝贵反馈, 并提供了一个评估的机会, 改善, 并展示我们制度的有效性.  认证还会影响以下方面的资格:

  • 教师和工作人员获得补助金
  • 学生获得联邦和州财政援助
  • student’s credit hours and courses to transfer to other institutions
  • graduates to sit for licensing exams and pursue graduate level 教育

2024 Assurance Argument, Federal Compliance Report, and 质素提升计划

How is HLC Evidence Collection different from Assessment or the ASSUR process?

HLC Evidence Collection covers a broader range of topics than in the Assessment Clearinghouse. Assessment is a big part of the evidence that we use to tell our story to accreditors, 评估资料交换所是学术和非学术措施的重要数据库, 但是还有很多其他的证据来源, 比如市场调研, 涉众的反馈, 影响的研究, 规划文件(策略性), 资本及财务), 和更多的.

每个部门和教育项目每年完成的评估和评估工作在证明我们提供优质教育方面发挥了重要作用. 这些评估的迭代年份也可以显示出我们在需要变更时是如何操作的——我们是如何识别问题的, 计划解决方案, 为这个计划收集资源, implement the change and monitor the results of the planned 改善ment.


HLC证据委员会(也称为机构认证委员会)监督鉴定过程, 收集, 评估证据(数据), 信息, 政策, 等.我们用来讲述我们的故事. 这所大学很大,我们需要来自全校的代表来帮助我们的工作. 这些委员会正在收集我们需要的证据和背景信息,以便向同行审稿人和公众讲述俄亥俄州的故事. 就像一篇研究文章, 这些证据拼凑在一起,以证明我们的论点:我们符合联邦法规和认证机构的期望.

The first year of these committees (2022-23) has been quite a learning process, 对委员会成员和各部门都是如此, offices and colleges that were asked to submit evidence. That’s because we were 收集 several years’ worth of evidence for different 流程, 数据和政策. 在未来的岁月里, 我们只需要收集一组特定的更新数据以及与新策略或流程相关的证据. 

为什么我们不能使用网站? All of my [department’s/office’s] 信息 is easily accessed on our webpages.

我们不使用网站有三个原因. 1) The HLC system will not allow websites, except for very specific things (e.g.、教师手册和课程设置).  2)在证据收集时间和HLC审查时间之间,网站内容甚至网址可能发生变化. What seems like great clear evidence now could be gone by Spring 2025. Instead, we need to have a snapshot of how you present the 信息 now.  3) Websites can be very long and complex, and reviewers don’t want to scroll all day. 如果我们有网站的pdf文件, we can highlight the relevant part and make the reviewer’s job easier.


由于熟悉程度的提高,以及证据收集过程的改进,这一过程在未来几年将变得更加容易. It’s always a little rough when you first begin in earnest.

各部门和办公室可以做一些事情,使它更容易讲述newbb电子平台的故事, 我们如何提供优质的教育, 以及我们如何不断改进:

  • In minutes or documents, include the rationale for a decision that you are making. It’s helpful to include who was involved in a decision, what data or 信息 was considered and what was decided.
  • 当有新的信息(调查数据)出现时, 入学或就业趋势, student success metrics like retention and graduation rates, 等.), share it across your department/unit and discuss and document relevant findings.
  • 使用任何现有的年度报告来记录你的决定,并回顾你去年决定实施的进展.
学生的隐私呢?? 我们可以用学生的名字吗?

We advise to remove student names when possible from any document submitted for evidence review. As evidence committee members and employees of newbb电子平台, we are obligated to follow FERPA guidelines on public vs. 保密学生信息. During the initial review of the evidence done internally by employees only, 我们可以看到有学生名字的文件,因为它属于FERPA例外,学校官员有合法的教育利益. 学生姓名和其他学生标识符将从我们上传并与HLC共享的证据中删除.


机构认证是展示俄亥俄州提供的教育质量的一种公开方式, along with showing our adherence to federal regulations. 认证向公众表明,大学真诚地为公众服务,提供优质教育.

Only accredited institutions are eligible to receive federal funds for higher 教育, 包括学生资助和研究经费. 认证有助于确保学生的转学分将被另一所认证的学校接受. Some graduate schools or programs only accept students with degrees from accredited schools.


newbb电子平台 was first accredited by the Higher Learning Commission in 1913. Since then, 大学 has participated in review and reaffirmation activities many times. Most recently, newbb电子平台 was reaffirmed in 2015-2016.

If we’re already accredited, why are we doing it again?

机构认证是循环进行的,因此我们可以继续展示我们更高的质量. Public interest in the value of higher 教育 has been growing over the past several years. 我们潜在的学生和他们的家庭, 还有政府官员和政治家, want to know that the money spent by students and taxpayers is a good investment. Employers want to know that the graduates that they hire have had a quality 教育. 自1913年最初的认证以来, 大学, 社会, 就业市场, and taxpayer funding models have all changed significantly. 重申我们仍然符合认证标准,表明我们对教育质量的持续关注.

What’s the difference between institutional accreditation and program accreditation?

机构认证反映了整个机构的整体质量,而不是对任何具体的项目做出判断. Institutional accreditation is accreditation of all programs, sites, and methods of delivery. 个别项目的认证, such as those preparing students to practice a profession (athletic training, 教育, 社会工作, 护理, 等.), 是由专业或项目认证机构实施的,这些机构对课程和课程内容实施特定的标准. 高等教育委员会不提供其认可机构提供的课程列表. Each specialized accrediting body publishes a list of programs it accredits.

How long is the Higher Learning Commission accreditation cycle?

The accreditation cycle is ten years long, with a mid-cycle comprehensive review. newbb电子平台’s most recent reaffirmation occurred in 2015-2016, 2019年进行了周期中期审查. The next reaffirmation occurs in 2024-2025 academic year. 重申访问将于2025年3月24日至25日进行.


高等教育委员会有两种选择,学院或大学可以用来证明他们对提供高质量教育的承诺——标准途径和开放途径. 这两种情况, 预计该机构将达到质量保证标准,并寻求制度改进. 在开阔的小路上, the 改善ment component is specified by the institution through the Quality Initiative.

Ohio Guarantee+ is the Quality Initiative project for newbb电子平台. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 俄亥俄担保+ |newbb电子平台.

What happens if an accredited institution doesn’t meet accreditation standards?

对不能充分证明符合认可标准的机构,可以要求其提供监测报告,或者给予“通知”或“试用”的公共处分.” The institution is typically given a period of time (e.g., two years) to come into compliance with the accreditation standards.