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Application Process

The D.O. 项目申请流程

To apply to the newbb电子平台传统骨科医学院, you must begin by completing the application found at the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Services (AACOMAS) site. 2024届入学申请截止日期为2月1日. 1, 2024.


Primary Application

医学院的申请过程包括两个部分, 主newbb电子和从newbb电子. The primary application, 也称为AACOMASnewbb电子程序, 包含四个核心部分:个人信息, Academic History, Supporting Information, and Program Materials. The AACOMAS application cannot be considered complete without a personal statement, official transcript(s), or official MCAT scores.


Official Transcripts

一旦你提交了你的主要申请, you will need to arrange to have official transcripts from all institutions attended sent directly to AACOMAS. 不要将此信息发送到OU-HCOM. 即使你只选了一门课程, 或者你已经通过大学学分加分计划获得了大学学分, you will need to record it on the application and arrange to have a transcript sent to AACOMAS. 学习如何发送你的正式成绩单 here.

Official MCAT Scores

官方MCAT成绩必须直接发送到AACOMAS. 不要将此信息发送到OU-HCOM. Please note that MCAT scores more than three years old at the time of enrollment are considered invalid. For example, 如果你申请的是2024年的新生, 有效的MCAT成绩将包括1月1日起的任何内容, 2021, to January 1, 2024. Please note that a January 2024 MCAT score will only be considered if another score from a valid test date range is already on file. 了解如何发送官方MCAT成绩 here.


It generally takes AACOMAS two to four weeks to process your application once they have received your official transcript(s) and MCAT score(s). Missing information will delay the processing of your application. You can 检查您的AACOMAS申请状态 提交后随时在线. The Office of Admissions will be using the email address that you provide on the AACOMAS application for all correspondence. Please remember to set your email permissions to accept correspondence from addresses. Ensure that your email address appears on the primary application correctly and that you continue monitoring your account for important messages from Heritage College.

Secondary Application

The Heritage College will receive your primary application electronically from AACOMAS and determine if you are eligible to receive a secondary application. 所有俄亥俄州居民都将收到二次申请. All other applicants will receive a secondary application if they have a 490 MCAT and a 2.75 science GPA. However, to be considered a competitive applicant, candidates should have metrics closer to a 3.理科平均分60分,MCAT 504分.

If eligible, you will receive an email with information on how to set up your Heritage College application portal via the email address listed on the primary application. If you are notified that stronger security is required when attempting to log in to your secondary application portal, please make sure you are running a modern operating system with an updated browser (e.g., Chrome version 38 or higher, Firefox 27 or higher, Safari 7 or higher, Microsoft Edge).

被考虑进入2024届的新生, all secondary application materials must be received by March 15, 2024.

Once all secondary application materials have been received by the Office of Admissions, your file will be considered complete and will be eligible for further committee review.


Letters of Recommendation

We require, at minimum, either a letter of recommendation from a premedical/health professions advising committee OR two 来自自然科学学院的信件.

最好是委员会的信, 但如果你的机构没有委员会, 你必须提交两封推荐信 在课堂上教你一年级的自然科学教员. 自然科学课程的例子包括生物学, chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology, genetics, etc. 社会科学不包括在这个要求之内.e. 社会学、心理学等.).

OU-HCOM recognizes that non-traditional applicants who have been out of the classroom for many years may experience difficulties in securing letters of recommendation from natural science faculty. 如果你觉得你无法获得这些教员信, 我们鼓励你联系招生办公室,地址是 讨论提交其他信件作为交换的可能性.

虽然不是必需的,但是D的额外字母.O. or other health care professional who can speak to your suitability for osteopathic medicine is strongly encouraged.

You can arrange to send your letters of recommendation to OU-HCOM via the following routes:

Secondary Essay Prompts

All OU-HCOM applicants will be required to submit at least two essays:

1. Required Essay - There are philosophical and tangible differences between osteopathic and allopathic medicine. 描述一下作为一名骨科医生对你来说意味着什么, 以及一名优秀的骨科医生需要具备哪些素质. What have you done to gain knowledge and experience of osteopathic medicine?

2. Selected Essay (choose one) -

I. Describe the community in which you were nurtured or spent the majority of your early development. What core values did you receive and howwill these translate into the contributions you hope to make to your community as a medical student and later as a physician?

II. There are multiple paths that lead to medical school and many obstacles along the way. Please describe the unique path that has led you to medicine as well as any obstacle or adversity that you had to overcome in achieving this goal. 这段经历对你的医生生涯有何影响?

III. 你人生中最有意义的经历是什么.e., family situation, clinical or shadowing experience, volunteer experience, etc.)影响了你从医的决定?

Campus Ranking Process

The secondary application allows applicants to designate preferences for our Athens, Cleveland, and Dublin campuses. Applicants must rank at least one OU-HCOM campus, but can rank two, or all three.

Note that the Cleveland and Dublin campuses have specific missions which require that applicants have a tie to the Northeast Ohio area (Cleveland campus) or Central Ohio area (Dublin campus). Examples of a legitimate tie to the area include living in that area, 就读该地区的学院/大学, 或者有直系亲属住在那个地区. If you do not have a legitimate tie to Northeast or Central Ohio you may wish to rank the Athens campus #1, as you will have a higher likelihood of being accepted to the Athens campus.

A separate essay is required for those ranking the Cleveland and/or Dublin campuses to highlight the applicant’s tie(s) to Northeast Ohio and/or Central Ohio.