


兰开斯特信息 & 技术服务人员提供概述, technical support and student operators for the newbb电子平台 Learning Network (OULN) classrooms on the 兰开斯特 campus. 的se classrooms are used to link our campus to the other regional campuses, 还有newbb电子, to offer a wide range of classes taught by faculty across the newbb电子平台 system.  

T: 740.681.3703

下载OULN Cisco使用指南[PDF] to help the instructors and operators understand the basic setup and controls for the OULN rooms.

如果与OULN系统有连接问题, 或者没有操作符, 请拨打兰开斯特服务台740.681.3703或雅典OULN服务台740.597.2934.

在任何时候, the 雅典 OULN or the 兰开斯特 Help Desk 工作人员 may be away from their offices, 出乎意料的或出乎意料的. 在适当的时间之后, 如果您没有收到工作人员的回复, 请致电OUL校园联系人之一 OULN联系人页面,或者请再次尝试联系兰开斯特联系人.


如果你的课程需要分发讲义, 测验和/或测试, you will soon realize that distributing this paperwork to the other regional campuses, 并提供补考或考试, are the only major differences between teaching in a traditional classroom on your campus and teaching in a distance learning environment. 适当的计划和适当的时间管理, the gap created by the physical distance between you and your students can easily be bridged.

* *请注意* *

关于考试和测验, instructors are responsible for preparing course material for their home campus students.  对于其他校园, OULN运营商将分发, collect and return testing materials to the faculty support staff (Amber Landis and/or Heidi West - see contact information below).  OULN操作员不能/不愿监考 & 小测验. 的 proctoring of exams for all campuses is the responsibility of the instructor or a designee on the home campus.


All of your course documents and tests can be posted to your course site, as an alternative to having materials physically duplicated, 以及在OULN教室进行的实际测试. 的 newbb电子平台 Office of Information Technology Service Desk 740.593.1222 is available to answer questions about BlackBoard, and the BlackBoard website offers many 自助指南.

When sending any/all materials to newbb电子平台 – 兰开斯特 for duplication and/or distribution to your OULN class (24 hour notice needed), please email materials including detailed instructions to the 兰开斯特学院秘书(电子邮件):

T: 740.681.3345 (Amber Landis)或T: 740.681.3346(海蒂·韦斯特)
F: 740.681.3398

A minimum of 24 hours notice is needed to process duplication requests. 寄送材料到newbb电子平台兰开斯特分校时, please provide detailed instructions regarding your materials including:

  • OULN课程编号.
  • 的那一天 & 上课时间.
  • 的那一天 & 分发材料的时间.
  • 要制作的副本数量.
  • Instruction as to whether copies should be single/double sided, 彩色或黑色/白色, 钉的或打孔的.
  • 为测试 & 测验,请注明:
  • 提供给学生的材料.e. 蓝皮书、答题卡等..
  • 测试时允许使用的材料.e. 书、计算器、笔记等.
  • 完成的测试如何退还给讲师.
    • If you want the completed exams scanned to email (please include return email address).
    • 如果你想要美国大学寄给你的考试成绩.S. 邮件(请附上完整的邮寄地址).
    • 注意:隔夜邮件 & Ups不再可用.

For other materials, if you can't email items, such as text books, binders, 等., mail to the below 兰开斯特 campus address for distribution to your OULN class(es):


Please provide class specific information with your materials.  All materials provided to the faculty secretaries will be given to the OULN classroom operator for distribution to your class as per your written instructions.


When a student enrolled in an OULN class needs to make up or retake an exam, 测试中心可以提供帮助. 的 newbb电子平台兰开斯特分校 测试中心 is dedicated to upholding high standards of test security and academic integrity.  他们致力于提供卓越的服务, 可访问的, and comprehensive testing programs for newbb电子平台 and the community. All tests are administered under standardized conditions that are efficient, fair, and secure. 的 TC room, equipment, and persons there-in are monitored at all times.


All testers are required to schedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance, 抵达时出示带照片的身份证件, 并在考试结束前完成考试. (Students are solely responsible for scheduling their appointments appropriately in order to receive the maximum time available for testing.)请参阅我们的 兰开斯特测试中心网页 for our hours of operation, student guidelines, and a link to schedule a test. For specific questions regarding the testing center, please contact:

T: 740.681.3362
F: 740.681-3398

就OULN而言, the 测试中心 provides exam proctoring to allow students to complete make-up exams and for students requiring accommodations. 的 TC does not provide proctors for in-classroom exams or full class exams.

To request services for make-up exams for OULN students or students requiring accommodations, please complete the digital Instructor Form available on the testing center webpage. Send an email to the testing center and attach the instructions and a digital copy of the test(s) to be proctored. Please specify in the email any instructions concerning the test, i.e. 学生在测试中可以使用的项目等. 还要提供您希望如何返回完成的考试.

如发现可疑活动, an incident report will be sent to the instructor via email; or if the center experiences abnormal testing situations, 比如校园停电, 等. 将会通知教官.  涉嫌学术不端行为的事例, the instructor is responsible for determining disciplinary measures such as imposing grade penalties, 将此事升级为司法移交, 等.


的 汉娜V. 麦考利库 提供场地预留空间. Course reserves can be textbooks, books, DVDs, articles, and even models of the brain.  Reserve items can be restricted to in-library use or a professor may choose to allow a one- or seven-day loan.  Professors are encouraged to provide the reserve material for the library to use; the material will be returned to the professor when it is no longer needed on reserve.  如果教授不能提供材料, please contact the library staff to request a purchase for reserves.  关于“汉娜五号”的具体问题. 麦考利库 or to place an item on reserve, please contact Judy Carey Nevin (careynev@俄亥俄州.edu). 电话:740.681.3351


Materials for use in OULN classes must meet the same copyright and fair use criteria as any other course.  看到 教师指南 浏览有关版权及合理使用的资料.

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