

祝贺你被newbb电子平台录取! You have taken the first step to joining this historic and vibrant academic community. The information on this page is a guide to beginning your journey as an 俄亥俄州 graduate student.

As a new student, you need to do a few important things before starting classes:


A student 俄亥俄州的ID is ordinarily the initials of your first and last names plus six digits and "@俄亥俄州.edu."

如果你还没有这样做, 激活您的俄亥俄州的ID并创建密码. You will need your personal identification number (PID) and birth date to complete this activation. 你的 PID was included on your application acknowledgement and in your official admission offer.


访问catmail.俄亥俄州.edu to access your newbb电子平台 email account and set it up. 你的 login and password will be your primary login for all newbb电子平台 online services.

If you have created your Ohio ID and do not remember your password, 联系OIT帮助台寻求帮助. 寻求帮助|newbb电子平台

登录你的My 俄亥俄州学生中心

激活您的俄亥俄ID后,访问您的 我的俄亥俄学生中心 按照下面列出的步骤操作.

  1.  我的俄亥俄学生中心 然后用你的激活账号登录 俄亥俄州的ID (i.e., rb101010@俄亥俄州.edu)及密码.
  2. 你的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 有一个 要做 列出需要你注意的事项. 点击 Details, and in the next window, click on the item to read additional information about that item.
    • 待办事项清单: If there are documents required to complete your admission file, 请上传, 或向newbb电子平台提交正式成绩单, 格罗夫纳大厅102, 雅典,俄亥俄州45701. 如果你需要一份电子成绩单, select "newbb电子平台" from the list of available institutions or if you need to provide an email address, 提交 graduate@俄亥俄州.edu.
    • Note: Conditional 入学 status is not a Registration Hold. Refer to your admission letter to learn about your conditional admission status.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact newbb电子平台's 信息技术办公室服务台 at 740.593.1222.


持有和待办事项列表点击 the item on the list for details about the hold or to do item, including which office placed it and what must be done to clear it. 一些保持阻止注册,直到保持被移除. The Hold item "条件/临时录取" does not block registration.

收到录取通知后, all students are required to provide an official transcript from each institution where the student has earned a bachelor's degree and any post-bachelor's degree. 成绩单必须显示学位和获得日期.

Students who are not able to 提交 an official transcript showing the degree conferred must 提交 an official transcript showing all grades earned to date, 再加上一份入学信:

  1. 包括确认预期的学位授予日期.
  2. Is on official university letterhead from the college/university registrar or other academic official who is able to confirm completion of degree requirements.

一旦授予学位, you must 提交 an official transcript showing the degree and date earned. The final transcript must be 提交ted to the 研究生学院 prior to the end of your first term of enrollment. You are not permitted to enroll for a second term until the final/official transcript has been received.

If you will not complete your degree on schedule, contact the 研究生学院 for directions.


顾问顾问s are assigned by the academic department after an admission offer is made. If no advisor is listed, refer academic and registration questions to the 你所在学术部门的研究生主任.


Accept your admission offer on your 我的俄亥俄学生中心:

  1. 登录你的 我的俄亥俄学生中心 使用您的俄亥俄ID和密码.
  2. 点击 the My newbb电子程序s tab, towards the bottom of the page.
  3. You will be presented with a second login page for 俄亥俄州 University PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. 使用您的俄亥俄ID和密码再次登录. 这将带你到学生中心. You can also use this process to decline an offer of admission.

Note: If you have been offered fall admission with departmental funding, 你不需要在4月15日之前接受offer. 然而, 如果你决定不上newbb电子平台, please notify the department as soon as possible so that they can offer that funding to another applicant.

如果您没有看到接受或拒绝的选项: This does not mean that an admission offer has been rescinded – only that your application record has been updated to registration-ready status. You can confirm this by looking at the Applicant Progression detail on your 招生 tab.



Be sure to complete the 新研究生迎新会n and check with your department for any departmental orientations.



You cannot take courses at newbb电子平台 without having health insurance. (国际学生 are required to use the 俄亥俄州 student health insurance plan.)

All students enrolled in 雅典 campus credit hours are required to maintain an active health insurance policy. 有资格参加校外计划的学生可以 申请免除newbb电子平台健康保险.

国际学生:请参阅 学生健康保险网站 关于健康保险政策和准则.


Check your 我的俄亥俄学生中心 for any transcripts required to complete your admission.  Refer to the instructions for logging into your 我的俄亥俄学生中心 above.


  • 国际学生-下一步

    作为一个来到newbb电子平台的国际学生, there are many logistics you need to organize including visas, 移民文件, 和更多的. 看看你的下一步是什么.

  • 录取学生:申请更改开始学期

    Admitted students who need to change their starting term can request a change in their starting term by contacting their academic program.

    Please note, applicants who have been denied admission may reapply. We recommend you review and revise your materials before submission.


  • 学费 & 费用

    学费 & 费用 are based on the number of credit hours of enrollment, Ohio residency, and program. 别忘了,我们的很多研究生都有 研究生助教奖学金/预约 为他们提供资金.

  • 以学费为目的的住院

    All admitted students are notified in their admission letter about their status as an Ohio resident for tuition purposes. If you believe you are incorrectly classified, contact the 研究生学院 for assistance. Petitions to change from non-resident status must be initiated before the start of the term in which you are seeking the change.
