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Summer Financial Aid

Summer Financial Aid

Taking Summer Classes?

Ohio University has summer classes available to meet your needs. Check out all of the available summer session options.

有兴趣参加暑期课程的学生可能有资格获得联邦和州的财政援助, including grants 和 loans. Summer semester begins the financial 援助 year at Ohio University. 收到经济援助通知的暑期学生可以在他们的 My俄亥俄州 Student Center(opens in a new window). 如果你的经济援助不包括暑假,第一步是注册暑期班. Once you are registered, you can email financial.援助@俄亥俄州.edu 要求在夏季、秋季和春季学期申请助学金,如果适用的话.

  • Summer 2024 Financial Aid Timeline


    These delays will not affect your eligibility for 援助, but they have impacted the disbursement of 援助 和 timing of offers. 俄亥俄州 will be flexible with students 和 families 和 provide options, 确保学生不会因经济援助延迟而受到经济处罚. 请注意时间表的变化和常见问题的答案.

    我们很乐意与您和您的家人讨论您的任何问题. Please reach out to us at 740.593.4141 or financial.援助@俄亥俄州.edu

Summer Aid Advances

Disbursement of 援助 was initially delayed, but as of May 22, 所有准备发放的援助现在每天都用于夏季变化, 联邦佩尔助学金和联邦补充教育机会助学金(SEOG)除外. Students who have non-grant funds that haven't disbursed should visit My俄亥俄州 Student Center To Do List to view outst和ing requirements. 除了夏季学期的费用外,每天都有学生获得其他资助. Students with pending Pell 和 SEOG, who have an urgent need for funding, may be considered for a Summer Aid Advance. 学生必须注册所需的学时数,并从他们的佩尔或SEOG基金中获得夏季学期的退款. 这笔预支款项可以考虑作为佩尔和SEOG预计支付的金额,最高可达1美元,000. To request this advance, 下载暑期助学金预付表格,并按照表格上的提交说明进行申请. 

Summer Aid Advance Form (PDF)

Summer Fees 俄亥俄州 began to assess summer tuition 和 fees April 25. 您可以在My俄亥俄州学生中心或授权用户门户网站查看它们.
Financial Aid Offers 俄亥俄州 began sending Financial Aid Offers the week of April 28; however the timing of some 援助 offers will be dependent on our receiving reprocessed FAFSA records from the U.S. Department of Education.
Balance Due Summer semester balances are due May 21. Pending financial 援助 for summer may be subtracted from the balance due.

Questions About Summer 2024 Aid


Students can enroll in the monthly payment plan for summer at no cost. 此外,至少到6月份,夏季学期的余额将不收取滞纳金. newbb电子平台也不会在6月底之前为未付的夏季学期余额安排课程注册.


至少到6月份,夏季学期的余额将不收取滞纳金. newbb电子平台也不会在6月底之前为未付的夏季学期余额进行注册.


联邦佩尔助学金和补充教育机会助学金(SEOG)的发放仍然延迟. Students with pending Pell 和 SEOG, who have an urgent need for funding, may be considered for a Summer Aid Advance. 学生必须注册所需的学时数,并从他们的佩尔或SEOG基金中获得夏季学期的退款. 这笔预支款项可以考虑作为佩尔和SEOG预计支付的金额,最高可达1美元,000. To request this advance, 下载暑期助学金预付表格,并按照表格上的提交说明进行申请.

你也可以联系你的财务援助顾问讨论其他的选择, 包括给房东的正式信件,核实即将支付的经济援助.


Before dropping your classes, contact your financial 援助 advisor to discuss your options, 包括给房东的正式信件,核实即将支付的经济援助款项和经济援助退款的预付款.


Types of Aid 和 Eligibility

  • Institutional Scholarships – Ohio University scholarships, including those in the 俄亥俄州 Excellence Award Program, cannot be received in the summer, in most cases. If you are graduating after summer or fall semester, you can email financial.援助@俄亥俄州.edu to request consideration for an exception.
  • 外部机构奖学金——来自其他组织的1000美元或以下的奖学金只适用于秋季学期. Those scholarships greater than $1000 are applied toward fall 和 spring, unless otherwise indicated by the agency. To receive an outside scholarships during the summer, a letter from the agency specifying summer semester, can be sent to financial.援助@俄亥俄州.edu or Office of Student Financial Aid 和 Scholarships, Ohio University, 020 Chubb Hall, Athens, OH 45701
  • Federal Pell Grant Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG) -这些资助计划为夏季学期的入学提供额外的资金. 学生可以获得最多十二个全日制学期的联邦佩尔助学金(或同等的兼职)。. 学生可以参加最多十个全日制学期(或同等的非全日制学期)的奥组委课程。. 在夏季获得佩尔助学金或奥组委资助将使你比只在秋季和春季学期获得资助更快地达到这些项目的寿命限制.
  • Federal Work-Study (FWS) 学生可能有资格通过FWS在整个或部分夏季学期工作. To determine your eligibility, your FWS supervisor must email financial.援助.employment@俄亥俄州.edu 和 request additional FWS funds for summer employment. Students who are enrolled for summer semester, may work up to 25 hours per week based on your eligibility for funding. 即使学生没有注册课程,也可能在夏季学期被考虑为FWS工作. 有资格获得FWS夏季基金但未注册的学生, may work up to 28 hours per week. 
  • Federal Direct 贷款 -根据学生的学术水平和他们在FAFSA的依赖状况,向学生发放补贴和无补贴学生贷款.

These loan amounts can be divided over summer, fall, 和 spring semesters. 选择在夏季学期入学的学生不会获得额外的金额. Federal Direct PLUS Graduate PLUS 贷款 是否可以包括夏季学期,是否可以增加以适应等待信贷批准的额外夏季学期费用.

  • Private 贷款 -私人贷款可以包括夏季学期,并且可以增加以适应等待信贷批准的额外夏季学期费用.

We recommend that students regularly review Federal Pell Grant 和 Federal Direct Loan balances. 您可以查看您已收到的佩尔助学金数量以及您在该计划中剩余的资格. 你还应该审查你所借的联邦直接贷款的数额. 我们建议学生只借必要的金额来支付所需的教育费用.