
Appendix B: Masters 研究项目-研究要求

With input from and subject to approval by your course instructor or faculty advisor:

  1. Create a timeline for completing steps 2-10. This timeline should include when you will submit sections of your research report to your course instructor and advisor. All work must be completed no later than the last week of classes of the semester in which you intend to graduate.
  2. Review literature on a topic of interest related to your area of licensure (minimum of 20 resources). The majority of your literature must consist of scholarly and empirical sources (e.g., books, journal articles, and other publications of Specialized Professional Associations). 允许非常有限地使用网站. Use of websites must be approved by your course instructor and advisor.
  3. Use your findings from the literature to develop a research question that interests you and will support growth in your practice. The research question must be approved by your course instructor and advisor before proceeding to the next steps.
  4. Design a research plan to answer the question. Your plan describes your participants and how you will select them, 数据以及如何收集数据, 以及分析数据的计划. The research plan must be approved by your course instructor and advisor before proceeding to the next steps.
  5. Seek and obtain 俄亥俄州 Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before data collection if your research involves human subjects.
  6. Analyze and interpret the data using appropriate standards for maintaining validity, 可靠性, 信誉, 和可信度.
  7. Consider how well your findings align with your understanding of the topic (based on your literature review), 解释相同点和不同点, and justify how your findings will inform your practice and future research
  8. 写一篇期末论文来报告你的工作. Use the most recent APA style guidelines to format the body and references of your paper. One possible model for the paper is provided in 大纲和要素 below. You must adhere to the guidelines provided by your course instructor and academic advisor.
  9. Submit your paper for feedback from your course instructor and advisor. You may need to revise your paper or submit multiple drafts before receiving approval to proceed to the next step. 坚持在步骤1中创建的时间轴.
  10. Submit your final paper (Word document or PDF) to your course instructor or academic advisor who will use an approved 俄亥俄州 plagiarism detection software to complete the required plagiarism review. Your course instructor and advisor may require changes to the document before approving your work for final submission.
  11. Your course instructor or academic advisor will share the Master’s Research Final Report with the Chair of the Department of 教师教育 for approval.




The abstract is typically 50 to 150 words long. 它提供了研究的简要总结.


The introduction includes a statement of the problem, background information providing a context for the research, and the purpose and rationale (including the research question or hypothesis).


The background provides a comprehensive review of all relevant literature relating to your study. It synthesizes previous research on all aspects of the same problem.



  1. 你所使用的研究类型(e.g. Action Research) and why it was appropriate for your project.
  2. Your participants (characteristics), how they were selected, and the context of the study.
  3. The type of data you collected including any tools that were used to collect the data. 描述你使用的任何仪器
  4. Any procedures you followed to obtain data.
  5. How you analyzed the data and what you did to ensure validity, 可靠性, 信誉, 和可信度
  6. 限制


Present your findings with supporting evidence. The way you present your findings must be appropriate for the type of research study and data you collect.


Explain and interpret your findings in relation to your original questions/hypotheses and the findings of others. Include implications and recommendations for further study.


Discuss the importance of the findings for your practice as well as that of educators and related professionals.


Using your findings, briefly describe the takeaway message from your study.


List the references that were cited in your paper using the most recent edition of APA style.


Include any instruments, additional tables or figures, the IRB approval form, etc.