


社区卫生工作者 are trusted individuals who improve health within their own communities. 

  • 他们提供保健服务, 增加获得护理的机会, 并通过在卫生保健提供者中发声,为个人和人群发声. 
  • 它们促进社区实现健康、公平和社会正义. 
  • 他们代表他们的社区成员并描述健康状况, 社会, 经济, 政治, 以及他们面对的真实和生活经验的文化问题. 

This unique model not only builds trust with the people served, but also improves health outcomes. In Appalachian counties where access to health care services is limited and 社会 determinants of health create additional barriers, community health workers are bridging the gap between community members and the services they need to live healthy lives.






“这真的让我大开眼界. I thought I needed a bachelor's degree or master's degree to be of help to those in my community, 这证明了事实并非如此. I’m not saying that furthering my education is not my goal; however, 不需要四年或更长时间,我就能满足我的社区, 帮助并看着它成长."



社区卫生工作者 complete 100 hours of didactic classroom content that is competency-based and designed for adult learners. 然后,参与者被安排在一个社区环境中完成130小时的实地实习. 参与者获得通过俄亥俄州护理委员会认证的资格. In 2020, the training curriculum was converted from an in-person format to an online hybrid format in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 扩大项目的覆盖面和灵活性.

每个学期在newbb电子平台的不同校区都有培训机会. Please note that each training cohort includes both online classes and mandatory in-person classes. 有关即将到来的培训地点,请参阅newbb电子程序.


旗帜上写着“致力于服务”  & 致力于关怀,以及购物车


我以前从未上过大学课. 我有资格成为社区卫生工作者吗??

是的! Participants must have a high school diploma or the equivalent as the minimum requirement to become certified CHWs and to complete our program.


该课程需要一个学期(15周)才能完成. 一旦参与者成功完成课堂部分, they will complete 130 hours of experiential learning at a community-based health-care or 社会 services organization. 我们建议他们在15周内完成实地部分, 也, 但对于需要更长时间的参与者来说,这是灵活的.


学员们每周在网上见面两次,每节课两个小时,组成同步小组. 这意味着所有参与者在同一时间上课, 有一个现场指导老师, 通过TEAMS或Zoom进行实时会话. 的y will also meet three to four times in-person for MANDATORY classes on an newbb电子平台 campus, 他们在哪里获得课堂用品, 亲自见面, 完成生命体征培训和检查, 基本生命维持训练, 和更多的.


多亏了助学金和大学的资助, CHW培训计划免费提供给参与者. 的 only expenses that participants will pay for is the background check (approximately $65) and the application cost for certification ($35).


所有参加者将获赠教科书一本, 生命体征套件(血压袖带和听诊器), 100小时的课堂/教学培训, 还有130个小时的实地体验学习.


Participants learn how to take vitals and become certified in Basic Life Support through the American Heart Association. 他们学习基本的解剖学和生理学, 医学术语, 人类发展, trauma-informed保健, 动机性访谈. 他们学习家访和野外安全,谦逊的文化,以及如何服用纳洛酮. 最后,他们了解资源,并建立一个由其他卫生工作者作为资源访问的网络.




A community health worker is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of and/or has an unusually close understanding of the community served. This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/社会 services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. A community health worker also builds individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, 社区教育, 非正式咨询, 社会支持和宣传(APHA, 2009).



社区卫生工作者 work under many different job titles and perform a variety of duties to address upstream factors in health care. A CHW working in a local health department may educate patients with chronic diseases about the importance of nutrition and lifestyle, 监测他们的生命体征, 并努力减少急诊室就诊. 的y might also advocate for local policies to address health issues such as smoking in public areas. 在一个社区行动机构, a CHW may link clients with complex interconnected health and 社会 risks with resources such as housing, 运输, 还有医疗保险. A CHW working in behavioral health may serve as a supportive listener and implement motivational interviewing skills to support behavior change, 协调针头交换计划, 陪客户去健身房锻炼健康生活.


卫生保健中心可并入地方卫生部门, 卫生保健系统, 学术团体合作, 以社区为基础的非营利组织, 管理组织. 资金来源包括补助金, 途径社区护理协调中心, 或者在管理式医疗机构工作. HUBs bill Medicaid managed care plans and other funding partners for successfully completing Pathways. (i.e. 教育,就业,住房,医疗之家,怀孕和戒烟.) HUBs distribute payments to the organizations that employ CHWs and keep a small administrative fee.


社区卫生工作者 are making a difference around the world, in high- and low-income countries. 除了对健康行为和结果产生重大的积极影响之外, they also have 经济 consequences including savings in health care costs due to more efficient use of the health system and increased labor productivity of healthier patients. 

A Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis completed by 怀尔德研究 for the American Cancer Society concluded that investing $41,在10年期间,每年投入184美元,产生净经济效益481美元,920. 据估计,中西部62%的chw从事癌症外展工作, 这些chw会产生超过5个.80亿美元的净收益在未来20年通过减少寿命损失, 纳税人的利益, 提高医疗保健效率.  

Another study of pregnant women participating in the CHAPS Pathways model indicated that “structured community-based care coordination coupled with standardized and accountable tracking tools and payment for outcomes may reduce LBW delivery among high-risk pregnant women.” 

2024年乌克兰CHW队列在教练玛丽·杜恩斯的指导下进行Capacitar演习. Capacitar is a kit of "body-based practices that empower people to use their inner wisdom to heal and transform themselves to heal injustice and build peace in their families and communities."


在俄亥俄州的阿巴拉契亚, 保健院报告说,客户对健康问题的认识和认识有所提高, 由于感到被支持而增加客户的幸福感, 增加客户获得所需资源的能力/信心, 减少污名, 以及社区恢复能力的提高.

的 Social Return on Investment study (2023) found that every $1 invested in Jackson County Health Department’s CHW CDC-CCR initiative (including naloxone distribution) generated $24.对健康状况不佳风险最高的客户的社会影响, 当地卫生部门也参与了这一行动, 受雇为卫生工作者的个人, 以及普通大众. 排除纳洛酮的分布,SROI发现每1美元的投资产生1美元.80 .社会影响.


从2021年1月到2023年1月在newbb电子平台CHW培训项目, 大多数chw(67%)表示他们认为自己是阿巴拉契亚人, 大部分chw(81%)居住在俄亥俄州东南部. 通过俄勒冈州立大学CHW项目培训的大多数CHW都是父母(75%),几乎所有的CHW都是美国人.S. 公民(98%).

Some 社区卫生工作者 in Appalachia Ohio have been trained through an evidence-based communication model of Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN) 模型 by the collaboration between newbb电子平台 and the Erikson Institute Chicago to utilize practical tool tools that provide parameters and guardrails within the CHW scope of practice and the Appalachian cultural context. FAN在管理员之间提供了一种共享语言, 监事, 工作人员, 社区卫生工作者与俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚地区社区成员的共同经历. FAN has helped with strategies for self-care when working with challenging clients or situations, 包括创伤暴露.


自我保健的社会 对社区卫生工作者有用吗, 播客旨在改善身心健康. 


美国公共卫生协会. (2021). 社区卫生工作者. http://www.apha.org/apha-communities/member-sections/community-health-workers

迪亚兹,J. (2021). 投资的社会回报:社区卫生工作者的癌症外展工作. 怀尔德研究. http://www.wilder.org/sites/default/files/imports/ACS_ROI_in_CHWs-6-12.pdf

罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会. (2016). 社区卫生工作者和人口健康:美国和全球模式的经验教训. 

整理,年代.Conrey, E.波特,K。.保尔森,J。.休斯,K。., & 整理,M. (2015). 途径社区护理协调预防低出生体重. 妇幼保健杂志,19(3),643-650. http://doi-org.proxy.Library.OHIO.edu/10.1007/s10995-014-1554-4