


的研究 是辛普森金里奥斯 被刊登在 赫芬顿邮报.

瑞安Shorey 他的R21拨款提案, The Temporal Association between Alcohol 和 Dating Violence: Moderators in Young Adult Couples, will be funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse 和 Alcoholism. 克里斯Gidycz 你会成为这项资助的共同研究者吗.

杰夫温哥华 has been appointed by the Dean as the Byham Chair in Industrial/Organizational 心理学.

史蒂夫·埃文斯朱莉•欧文斯 were notified that a three-year multi-site grant proposal that they submitted with colleagues at the University of British Columbia has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. The aim of this project is to develop 和 then evaluate a school-based version of Making Socially Acceptable 和 Inclusive Classrooms (MOSAIC), an intervention designed to address social impairment 和 academic engagement about youth with peer problems.

佩吉Zoccola was selected to receive a 2016 APA Early Career Achievement Award. 她还被提升为终身副教授.

金里奥斯 被提升为终身副教授. 她也接受了关于她的采访 关于科学界对基督徒的刻板印象的研究 这里是NPR早间新闻. 金的合作者包括丽贝卡·托顿, 她的一个研究生, 以及俄勒冈大学的同事们.

朱莉•欧文斯 获得了阿尔伯塔儿童中心的种子基金, Family 和 Community 研究 to bring together an interdisciplinary group to develop a project to study how to enhance school capacity to provide evidence-based support for young children with behavior problems.

法国克里斯 was notified that NIH is going to fund his grant titled :"Blood Donor Competence, 自治, 增强亲缘关系(献血者关怀)”. 资助期限为5年.


肯·霍尔德 was the 2015 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Headache Society.

瑞安Shorey was selected to receive the 2015 American Psychological Foundation's Visionary Fund Grant.

佩吉Zoccola 被选为2014-15年度珍妮特G. 格拉斯利·布朗社会科学教师教学奖.

桑德拉·霍伊特 was chosen to receive a 2014-15 Dean's Outst和ing Teaching Award.

朱莉•欧文斯 received funding from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), US 教育部. 授予, which she is a Co-PI with Rob Volpe 和 Amy Briesch at Northeastern University, is titled "Development 和 Validation of a Web-based System for Monitoring Social Behavior".

瑞安C. 约翰逊 获得该杂志最佳文章奖 人事心理学 for "Work-Family Conflict 和 Flexible Work Arrangements: Deconstructing Flexibility". 约翰逊的合著者是Tammy D. 凯特琳·艾伦. Kiburz和Kristen M. 肖克利.

基斯神枪手 被任命为杂志的编辑 社会与人格心理学指南. 它的范围是独一无二的, 社会与人格心理学指南 在线期刊是原创的吗, peer-reviewed surveys of current research 和 theory from across the entire discipline.


Drs. 弗兰和布莱恩·温姆斯 在2014年7月组织了BOOST营. Camp BOOST is a two-week enriching recreational 和 academic program aimed at giving children (aged 6-13) an academic, 行为, 以及对学年的社会促进作用. There were 10 graduate students from clinical psychology 和 six undergraduate students who received 120 clinical hours (40 training hours, 80 direct-service hours) from participating in this experience. This experience allowed graduate students to learn evidence-based treatments in treating children with behavior problems, 包括多动症. The undergraduate counselors had a unique opportunity to gain h和s-on experience delivering this state-of-the-art 行为 treatment to children from a broad range of ages 和 backgrounds that may well shape their future academic 和 career goals.

史蒂夫·埃文斯 was honored by being elected a Fellow of Division 53 (临床儿童 心理学) of the American Psychological Association.

法国克里斯 被评为2014年newbb电子平台杰出教授.

克劳迪娅Gonzalez-Vallejo 收到邀请,参加编辑委员会 决定这是一本致力于决策主题的APA新期刊.

基斯神枪手 被任命为《newbb电子》的副主编.

朱莉•欧文斯 was invited to join the Society for the Study of School 心理学. This is an invitation-only group of established researchers who study school psychology issues.

朱莉•欧文斯 was selected to serve on the Institute of Education Sciences' Special Education 研究 Scientific Review Panel. (The Institute of Education Sciences is the research arm of the U.S. 教育部.)

金里奥斯 was named Associate Editor of Group Processes 和 Intergroup Relations.

瑞安Shorey 收到黛博拉·L. Rhatigan Early Career Award for Excellence in Violence 研究 from the Child Maltreatment 和 Interpersonal Violence Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavioral 和 Cognitive Therapies.

朱莉Suhr 他被任命为美国心理协会杂志的副主编 心理评估.

杰夫温哥华 was chosen to serve as one of seven panelists on the National Science Foundation Science of Organizations Program.

杰夫温哥华 was an invited speaker at the 26th APS Annual Convention in San Francisco on May 22-25, 2014.


The newbb电子平台 Industrial/Organizational 心理学 program was ranked second in the country based on scholarly productivity, 调整后的教师人数(贝勒), 杜尔, 齐默尔曼, & 克拉克,2013年). Unadjusted for number of faculty, the newbb电子平台 I/O program ranked 24th in the country.

出版物 & 书

教师 in the 心理学系 published or had accepted for publication 110 articles between July 1, 2012, 及六月三十日, 2013. 在此期间,仅第一组的教职员工平均就有5人.已发表或接受发表的文章0篇(Mdn = 4). The list of articles published in highly influential outlets includes the following:

  • 力宏,. 米切尔,T.李,T., & Griffeth R. (2012). Reviewing employee turnover: Focusing on proximal withdrawal states 和 an exp和ed criterion. 心理通报,138,831-858.

教师 members published or had accepted for publication four books 和 30 book chapters. 书单如下:

  • 周,J. W. (Ed.). (新闻). 威利-布莱克威尔社交焦虑障碍手册. 纽约:Wiley-Blackwell.
  • 神枪手,K. D.Proulx, T., & 林德伯格,M. J. (Eds.). (2013). 意义心理学. 华盛顿特区:美国心理学会.
  • 维哥R. (新闻). Mathematical principles of human conceptual behavior (Scientific psychology series). 纽约:泰勒和弗朗西斯.
  • 怀斯特,米. D.杠杆,N. A.布拉德肖,C. P., & 欧文斯J. S. (Eds.)(印刷中). H和book of school mental health: 研究, training, practice, 和 policy (2nd ed.). 纽约:斯普林格出版社.

The following book chapter is particularly noteworthy because of the longevity 和 prestige of the series in which it was published:

  • Alicke, M. D.,泽尔,E., & 尔德C. (2013). Social self-analysis: Constructing protecting 和 enhancing the self. 在J. M. 奥尔森 & M. P. Zanna (Eds.),《newbb电子平台》(卷. 48, pp 173-234). 纽约:爱思唯尔.


教师 presented 160 conference presentations or invited addresses between July 1, 2012, 及六月三十日, 2013. 更具体地说,第一组教师的平均人数为7人.6 (Mdn = 8)会议演讲或特邀演讲. 其中包括以下内容.

  • Biing-Jiun Shen received a Citation Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Francisco, CA for his presentation titled "Reciprocal influences between psychological distress 和 physical health functioning in heart failure patients."
  • Mark Alicke gave invited presentations at University College, London 和 Ohio State University.
  • 克里斯Gidycz gave an invited presentation at the National Scientific Meeting on Violence Against Women on College Campuses at Lexington, KY.
  • 克劳迪娅Gonzalez-Vallejo gave invited talks at the University of Maryl和 和 Ohio State University.
  • 基斯神枪手 gave invited presentations at the University of Michigan, 田纳西大学, 多伦多大学, 以及北卡罗来纳大学, Chapel Hill 和 an invited paper at the International Conference on Thinking in London.
  • 杰夫温哥华 gave an invited address at the University of Florida.
  • Justin Weeks gave an invited address at Bar-Ilan University 和 at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Center in Israel.
  • 佩吉Zoccola gave invited addresses at the Flagstad Conference in Hamar, Norway.
  • 4. Seven faculty members were the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on one or more external grants. Following are grants that were newly awarded to faculty during the 2012-2013 academic year:
  • 史蒂夫·埃文斯 (PI): Helping Adolescents with ADHD Succeed at School. 俄亥俄州教育研究中心,2013-14.
  • 朱莉•欧文斯 (PI): Development of Strategies to Increase Teacher Integrity in a Daily Report Card Intervention for Children with or at-risk for ADHD. 教育科学研究所,2012-15.
  • Rodger Griffeth (PI): Proximal States of Organizational Participation 和 Withdrawal: Measurement Development 和 Theory Validation. 人力资源管理学报,2013-15.
  • 金里奥斯 (PI): Religious identity as stereotype threat: Underst和ing effects of the science-religion conflict on the self-concept 和 Academic Performance. 约翰·坦普尔顿基金会,2013- 2015年.
  • Dan Lassiter (PI): Video-recorded Interrogations: Beyond Camera Perspective. 国家科学基金,2012-14.


The 21 Group I faculty members in the 心理学系 served as editors of four journals, 作为三个期刊的副编辑, 作为26家期刊的编辑委员会成员.

  • 编辑:史蒂夫·埃文斯 (学校心理健康),克里斯·弗朗斯(行为医学年鉴)、罗杰·格里菲斯(人力资源管理检讨)、基思·马克曼(社会与人格心理学指南)
  • 副编辑:Bruce Carlson (统计教育杂志)、基思·马克曼(社会认知)、金伯利·里奥斯(newbb电子社会心理学杂志)、朱莉·苏尔(临床与实验神经心理学杂志)
  • 编委会成员包括Mark Alicke (自我与同一性)、史蒂夫·埃文斯 (临床儿童 & 家庭心理学评论, 行为障碍, 注意障碍杂志, 学校心理健康促进工作进展, 儿童的教育和待遇),克里斯·弗朗斯(咖啡因研究杂志), 克里斯Gidycz (人际暴力杂志)、克劳迪娅Gonzalez-Vallejo (行为决策杂志, 决策分析, Acta Psychologica)、罗杰·格里菲斯(管理心理学杂志, 管理杂志),丹·拉西特(法律与犯罪心理学, 法医心理学开放获取杂志)、基思·马克曼(实验社会心理学杂志, 人格与社会心理学杂志, 人格与社会心理学通讯, 自我 & 身份),朱莉·欧文斯(临床儿童与家庭心理学评论, 变态儿童心理学杂志, 学校心理健康)、金伯利·里奥斯(社会认知, 文化的多样性 & 少数民族心理学)、朱莉·苏尔(临床神经心理学家)、杰夫·温哥华(newbb电子心理学杂志, 组织行为与人类决策过程, 商业与心理学杂志)


教师 members served on federal 和 private foundation grant review committees.

  • 法国克里斯 was chosen to be Chair of the NIH Behavioral Medicine, 干预措施, 和结果(BMIO)研究部分.
  • 克劳迪娅Gonzalez-Vallejo was chosen to serve as a member of the NIH Cognition 和 Perception Study Section.
  • 史蒂夫·埃文斯 was chosen to serve as a member of the 干预措施 Committee for Disorders Involving Children 和 their Families (ITVC) at the NIMH.
  • 法国克里斯 served as a member of the National Blood Foundation Grant Review Committee.
  • 佩吉Zoccola served as a participant in the NIH Early Career Review Program.
  • 7. 教师 members played critical roles in organizing national professional conferences.
  • Justin Weeks is the Program Chair for the Annual Association for Behavior 和 Cognitive Therapies Meeting.
  • 史蒂夫·埃文斯 co-chaired the International 学校心理健康 研究 Summit as a preconference for the Annual Conference on 学校心理健康 meeting in Salt Lake City, 犹他州.
  • Kimberly Rios was one of the organizers of the Attitudes Preconference at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality 和 Social 心理学.
  • 8. 教师 members were engaged in numerous professional activities nationally in addition to those already mentioned.
  • 法国克里斯在APA任职, Divison 38 Nominations Committee 和 on the Board of Directors for the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
  • 佩吉Zoccola served as a Mentor for the American Psychosomatic Society Conference.
  • 克里斯·吉迪奇(克里斯Gidycz)曾担任美国农业部的主题专家.S空军.
  • Dan Lassiter served as a member of the Book Award Committee for the American 心理学-Law Society 和 as an invited member of the 研究 Committee of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), 这是一个由奥巴马总统创建的情报组织.
  • 史蒂夫·埃文斯 has served as a member of the national advisory board for the Center for 学校心理健康 Assistance 和 as a special advisor to the director for school mental health research since 2003 和 served as a member of the grant review committee for young professionals for the Society for the Study of School 心理学 in 2012-13 和 the review committee for "Article of the Year" for Journal of School 心理学.
  • 朱莉Suhr was selected as an Exam Writer for the Examination for Professional Practice of 心理学 (EPPP), which is the national licensing examination developed by the Association of State 和 Provincial 心理学 Boards (ASPPB).
  • Mark Alicke conducted a program evaluation for the 心理学系 at Central Michigan University.

教学、科研奖 & 服务

教师 members were honored for their teaching, research, 和 service.

  • 法国克里斯 was elected to the Academy of Behavioral Medicine 研究.
  • 法国克里斯 earned the 2012-13 文理学院 Dean's Outst和ing Teaching Award.
  • Susan Tice-Alicke earned the 2012-13 文理学院 Dean's Group II Special Recognition Award.
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