

硕士生Bethany Zumwalde与Dr. 哈维·巴拉德.
硕士生Bethany Zumwalde与Dr. 哈维·巴拉德.


环境与植物生物学[j].S. graduate program provides educational and research experience in plant biology from the molecular to the organismal and ecosystem levels.

Most students are trained within three general areas of study: plant ecology, 植物系统学与进化, 或者植物分子和细胞生物学. The program strives to foster communication across and beyond these areas of study to provide unique opportunities to meet each student’s specific 的职业目标.

M.S. program is designed to train and prepare students to be successful in a Ph.D. program or positions in industry, government, or non-governmental organizations.

Each student will be directed in the conduct of independent research in the pursuit of knowledge. Students are mentored in grantsmanship to support their own research with internal and external funding.

Students have hands-on teaching experience because the program provides a teaching assistantship. 作为助教, students have the opportunity to assist in a variety of courses and interact with faculty. All students are exposed to the national and international plant biology community through colloquia, 研讨会, 和科学会议,这将帮助他们实现他们的后m.S. 的职业目标.

A 分子和细胞生物学的浓度 也提供与M.S. 植物生物学.

职业发展机会得了M的学生.S. 在植物生物学方面可以在学院或大学工作, 在不同的专业领域进行教学或研究. He or she also could work in private industry or governmental agencies dealing with agriculture, 园艺, 花卉栽培, 生物技术或制药公司, 自然保护机构和博物馆, 环境咨询公司, 食品公司, 酿造和发酵工业, 木材和制浆公司, 植物苗圃, 温室, 植物园, 和arboreta.


All new students will report to the 研究生 Chair for initial instructions on their program of study.

学生可由两名环境顾问共同指导 & 植物生物学终身教职人员.

学生可以换导师, but only after approval of the current and potential adviser and the 研究生 Chair. 如果学生离开了他或她的导师, 不管出于什么原因, he or she must find another adviser within four weeks or before the start of the following semester.

An unadvised student cannot remain in the 植物生物学 graduate program beyond this time limit.


  • 第一学期结束-给研究生主席的课程批准表
  • End of second semester – 论文 Proposal approved by 论文 Committee (or by the Masters Advisory Committee for students in the 分子 & 细胞生物学浓度. 将签署的提案批准表交给研究生主席.
  • End of third 学术学期 – Comprehensive exam finished for 分子 & 细胞生物学专业学生.
  • Sixth semester (研究生 semester) – newbb电子 to graduate, enroll in PBIO 6950 and PBIO 6970
    • Submit thesis to committee at least two weeks prior to defense and provide thesis title and abstract to office staff.
    • 查看TAD的截止日期.
    • Submit CAS#8 (Report of the Oral 论文 Examination/论文 Defense) to 研究生 Chair.
  • 每年春季学期结束-研究生进度报告.

转移到Ph值.D. 程序

一个M.S. thesis student can request a transfer into the doctoral program by submitting an application of transfer to the graduate committee by January 15 or by the end of the first semester.


  1. 他或她的导师写的详细的支持信.
  2. A letter by the student providing a compelling reason for the transfer and why it is necessary in the context of 的职业目标.

The student will still be required to take a class from each of the sub-disciplines.

研究生委员会将作出最终录取决定. 如果通过,学生将被转到博士学位.D. 下一学年的课程安排(i.e.(秋季学期).

硕士学位要求.S. 植物生物学

请注意参见学位要求 分子和细胞生物学浓度.

最少的 20 PBIO研究生学时 of graded coursework, excluding seminar, supervised study, colloquium, and research. Courses will be determined by the student and the adviser and signed by the 研究生 Chair.

圆满完成 生物研究与科学伦理 (PBIO 5170).


有机植物 (一)

  • 结构植物学(4)
  • PBIO 5090植物系统学(4)
  • PBIO 5100真菌(3)
  • PBIO 5190俄亥俄州弗洛拉 (3)
  • PBIO 5200生理学(4)
  • 植物群体遗传学 & 物种形成(3)

细胞与分子生物学 (一)

  • PBIO 5240植物生理学(3)
  • PBIO 5280基因组学实验室(3)
  • PBIO 5300植物遗传学(3)
  • 细胞生物学(3)
  • PBIO 5500生物科技 & 基因工程(3)

植物生态学 (一)

  • PBIO 5220热带植物生态学(3)
  • 植物生理生态学(4)
  • PBIO 5330恢复生态学(3)
  • PBIO 5350人口 & 群落生态学(4)
  • PBIO 5380土壤 & 生态系统(4)

Courses that are highly recommended, but do not meet the sub-discipline requirement:

  • PBIO 5010细胞和分子植物生理学实验室(实验室营地)(2)
  • pbi5020土壤微生物分析实验室(2)
  • PBIO 5095植物多样性的野外研究(3-6)
  • 植物生物学统计方法(4)
  • 用生物信息学工具解决问题(3)
  • 生命科学写作(3)
  • 生物统计学II (3)

最少的 10个小时的研究 (PBIO 6940).

圆满完成 两个学期的PBIO 6970 (Seminar) or giving a research presentation at Ecolunch in BIOS or MCB seminar.

  • The student must enroll in seminar during the semester in which he or she is defending his or her research. The pre-defense seminar is graded by the thesis committee and satisfies one of the two required PBIO 6970 (seminar) courses.

如果成绩为C+或C+以下,则留校察看. GPA低于3分.连续两个学期成绩为0, two grades of “B-“ or below or one grade of “C-“ or below in graduate courses will result in dismissal from the graduate program.

  • The student should inform his or her adviser and the 研究生 Chair before withdrawing from a course because it may impact departmental support.

完成 研究论文 with the intent of publication in a peer-reviewed journal and successfully defend the thesis orally. (见硕士论文).


M.S. 植物生物学

  1. 成功完成生物研究与科学伦理(PBIO 5170).
  2. Successfully complete a minimum of 20 PBIO研究生学时 of graded course work. Seminar, supervised study, colloquium, and research are not considered in these credit hours.
  3. Successfully complete one course for each of the three sub-disciplines listed below:

有机植物学:pbio5080结构植物学, pbi5090植物系统学, PBIO 5100真菌, PBIO 5190俄亥俄州弗洛拉, PBIO 5200生理学, 植物群体遗传学 & 物种形成

细胞/分子生物学:pbio5240植物生理学, pbio5280基因组实验室, pbio5300植物遗传学, 细胞生物学, PBIO 5500生物科技 & 基因工程

植物生态学:PBIO 5220热带植物生态学, 生理植物生态学, pbio5330恢复生态学, PBIO 5350人口 & 群落生态学,PBIO 5380 & 生态系统

  1. 获得至少10个学分的研究(PBIO 6940).
  2. 成功完成两个学期的研讨会(PBIO 6970).
  3. 平均绩点在3分或以上.00.
  4. 成功完成一篇论文研究计划.
  5. 通过口头答辩成功完成一篇研究论文.
  6. 2年内毕业.

M.S. 植物分子与细胞生物学

  1. 成功完成生物研究与科学伦理(PBIO 5170) and Biochemistry (CHEM 5901 or CHEM 5890).
  2. Successfully complete a minimum of 20 graduate hours of graded course work, 至少有10个PBIO学分. Seminar, supervised study, colloquium, and research are not considered in these credit hours.
  3. 成功完成MCB 7200分子生物学的一门课程, mcb7300分子和细胞生物学实验室, 细胞生物学, 或MCB 7600高级细胞生物学.
  4. 获得至少10个学分的研究(PBIO 6940).
  5. 每年成功完成两个学期的MCB研讨会(MCB 7410).
  6. 平均绩点在3分或以上.00.
  7. 成功完成一篇论文研究计划.
  8. Pass a Comprehensive Examination composed of written sections no later then the 3rd 学术学期.
  9. 通过口头答辩成功完成一篇研究论文.
  10. 二年级毕业.5年.


使学生了解植物生态学的科学方法, 系统学与演化, 和/或分子和细胞生物学. Emphasis is placed on conducting original research and communicating science to the scientific community and in a classroom environment.    


  • Students will know professional standards of science and responsible conduct of scientists that are essential for the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate a depth of knowledge within their area of study.
  • 学生将能够写一个研究计划.
  • Students will know how to design and complete a research study and/or scientific experiment. 
  • Students will be able to process and analyze data to make sound interpretations.

Students will be able to communicate scientific ideas in both written and oral forms to diverse audiences.