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OHIO's Sports Administration Programs
A national leader in graduate education for sports professionals

OHIO's Sports Administration Programs


newbb电子平台是培养未来体育领袖的世界上最好的项目的所在地. 50多年来,我们在体育商业教育领域一直处于世界领先地位,900 alumni working in every sector of sports business. We offer an in-person two year program in which students earn both an MBA and their Master of Sports Administration; a fully online, highly flexible Master of Athletic administration; and the nation’s No. 1 ranked Online Master of Sports Administration, 它将在线课程与短暂的现场实习相结合,帮助学生在行业中建立终身联系. 

tailored learning options
online best sport management program — CollegeRank
years of world-leading sports business education
accredited by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation

Choose the Right Sports Administration Program for You

我们的体育管理学位的范围使它很容易适应一个先进的商业学位到你的生活, ensuring you can meet your responsibilities while growing your career.

  • Master of Sports Administration (MSA) and MBA Dual Degree

    这个为期两年的项目结合了俄亥俄州一年制MBA项目的严格性和排名第一的MSA项目. Through classroom and practical learning experiences, students are prepared for leadership positions in the sports industry. OHIO的方法允许在课堂上建立知识,并与现场客户和体育组织进行newbb电子.

  • Online Master of Sports Administration

    俄亥俄州的OMSA是为职业体育专业人士设计的,可以在不搁置职业生涯的情况下提高他们的教育水平. 我们提供多种实习和体验选择,以确保学生有机会与校友联系, faculty and other Sports Ad students during the program.

  • Online Master of Athletic Administration

    newbb电子平台在线体育管理硕士(MAA)课程专门培养体育管理方面的专业人才, specifically as interscholastic athletic directors. 你将学会把你为学生运动员服务的热情注入到体育管理的事业中, 我们的体育管理在线课程向您展示了如何建立高效和支持性的体育部门.

Compare OHIO's Sports Administration Programs

Explore our sports administration programs to determine which is right for you. 无论你是刚毕业的大学生还是对专业感兴趣的有经验的体育专业人士, collegiate or interscholastic sports, you’ll find a program you need with our College of Business.

 Dual MBA / MSAOnline MAAOnline MSA
Program Duration2 years 20 months (5 semesters)20 months (5 semesters)
Delivery FormatAthens CampusOnline + 1 weekend residencyOnline + residency/experience options
Part-Time or Full-TimeFull-TimePart-TimePart-Time
Ideal Candidate有兴趣从事体育事业的学生,有0-3年的工作经验,但有丰富的体育实习或志愿者经验.有兴趣成为校际体育主任的学生,目前在K-12环境中有全职职位.目前在体育或体育相关领域工作的学生,他们有兴趣在专业领域提升自己的职业生涯, collegiate, or a related sports field.
In-State Total Tuition$34,801*$17,220$29,808
Why Choose This Program?俄亥俄州的MBA/MSA在过去10年里一直被SportBusiness排名世界第一. 这个久负盛名的项目已经启动了无数行业领导者的体育事业,并在该领域建立了顶级校友网络. In addition to learning from top faculty, 学生们可以在newbb电子平台的体育系和国内一些最激动人心的体育赛事中获得实践经验.在线MAA是为数不多的专门为你成为校际体育主管而设计的课程之一. 它的在线形式为你提供了完成课程所需的灵活性, regardless of where you are in your athletic season.The Online MSA was built at the birthplace of sports management. 这个排名第一的课程是为希望提升的体育专业人士设计的. 教师与学生密切合作,发展他们在体育产业方面的知识和技能, and are supportive even through the busiest times of their season.


I chose Ohio University because of its top-ranked sports management program. 严谨的学术课程加上现实世界的newbb电子和业内最杰出的校友网络,使俄亥俄州PMSA计划成为体育行业中最好的. —Chad Brinker Pro Scout, Green Bay Packers

Earn the professional growth you deserve

拥有newbb电子平台体育管理或体育管理学位, 你不仅将拥有在体育界领先所需的新技能,你还将加入newbb电子平台网络,该网络遍布全球,校友在无数专业组织中工作, 校际和校际体育运动以及企业体育组织, sports media, and sports entertainment. 


In addition, our Business Academic Advising & Career Services center offers a variety of expert, personalized career services specifically for business students and alumni. With OHIO's Career Acceleration Team (GradCAT), 你还将获得包括个人职业教练在内的专业团队四个月的支持, a branding expert and a career concierge. 我们的校友受益于专有的技术平台和每年一次的免费辅导课程-终身.

Benefit from OHIO's Quality and Value

When you choose Ohio University, 你正在选择一所一直被认为提供一流教育的学校, no matter the modality. 在美国公立大学中,newbb电子平台一直名列前2% U.S. News & World Report. 我们的PMSA和MBA/MSA双学位一直被SportBusiness Group评为世界排名第一的在线研究生体育商业课程.

我们的体育管理课程通过了体育管理认证委员会(COSMA)的认证。, 一个专门的认证机构,旨在促进和认可大学本科和研究生阶段体育管理教育的卓越表现.
