
Jeffrey一. 问题 newbb电子平台 Economic Development Intern to continue work with IEDC after graduation


In his junior year at newbb电子平台, Colton Campbell, an economics major and 本科研究学者 at newbb电子平台’s 沃伊诺维奇学校 of Leadership and Public Affairs, 读了一篇关于俄亥俄校友的文章 汉娜•伯克, who found success after graduation working as the International Economic Development Council’s Jeffrey一. 问题 newbb电子平台 Economic Development Intern and remained employed with IEDC after her 10-week internship concluded.

A few months later Campbell was collaborating with Burke as IEDC’s newest intern.

坎贝尔说:“这有点酷. “Because now I’ve worked with her for almost 12 months at this point.”

Campbell is the latest recipient of what is now a decade long collaboration between IEDC and the 沃伊诺维奇学校.

IEDC is the world’s largest membership organization for economic developers, with more than 5,000 members. 非营利组织, nonpartisan organization provides its members with research resources, 职业发展机会等.

Jeffrey一. 问题 newbb电子平台 Economic Development Internship 由IEDC于2011年成立,旨在表彰CEO 杰弗里·芬科他是俄亥俄州的校友,担任了25年的领导职务. Every year an undergraduate or graduate student affiliated with the 沃伊诺维奇学校 is selected to work at IEDC’s headquarters in D.C. 经济发展领域的带薪实习.

Campbell joined the 沃伊诺维奇学校 as an 本科研究学者 in August 2019. 他把他的 地理信息科学证书 to use working with 沃伊诺维奇学校 GIS/Data Specialist 马特教练 还有杰基·克洛普弗, 前研究助理, as a GIS research specialist and was grateful to find a student position that gave him professional connections and experience.

“[I was] getting job experience in a different setting than something that’s just a part-time minimum wage job,他说. “It’s a lot different than working at a dining hall … it just feels like a ‘real job’ in a lot of ways, so I think there are a lot of benefits that came out of that for me personally.”

Campbell was excited about the prospect of spending the summer in Washington, DC, 但在获得实习机会后不久, the coronavirus pandemic struck the United States. Campbell was offered the chance to conduct the 10-week internship virtually.

“This was IEDC’s first experience, same as mine, with a virtual internship,坎贝尔说。. “I think that Jeff and the entire staff have done a great job with making their interns feel like they were a part of the team from very early on.”

问题 met with the IEDC’s interns for virtual lunches and made a point of being available for questions. “He talked to all of us to see what our interests are, what we’re working on … Jeff has been with IEDC for over 30 years, so just asking him stuff about the history of IEDC and the history of his own personal career [was valuable],坎贝尔说。.

As an intern Campbell worked in the Knowledge Management and Development Department, conducting research to update IEDC’s course training manual and writing for IEDC’s publications. 七月底, 当他的十个星期结束时, Campbell was able to extend his internship to the end of the summer. 在8月, 然而, Campbell wasn’t quite ready to leave the organization, nor was IEDC ready to get rid of him: Campbell’s internship was extended two more times, 一直到他高三的秋天和春天.

“I’m kind of working in three separate timelines, and my responsibilities have shifted here and there,坎贝尔说。. “Most of the work now is tailored toward recovering from COVID and the economic downfalls of what has happened over the last year.”

Campbell is staying on with IEDC as a Knowledge Management and Development Fellow after he graduates in May. “(科尔顿的)思维水平, 他的研究能力, 他的写作技巧, have proven to be so strong that when he had the opportunity to keep him on in a slightly different status we did so immediately,芬克尔说. “毫无疑问,我们可以使用科尔顿. He wanted additional work, we needed somebody with his determination and drive. 科尔顿是我们的明星.”

最近的一次 IEDC养老 has ensured that the internship will continue for years to come.

“We’ve been very fortunate for the Colton Campbells of the world and the 汉娜•伯克s before,芬克尔说. “他们为我们做了很棒的工作, and it says a lot about newbb电子平台 and the quality of students that are coming out of there.”

经过一年的工作, Campbell hopes to have the chance to meet his coworkers in person sometime soon.

“[I just want to] reiterate my thanks and gratitude for Jeff and everyone at IEDC and also the people that I worked with at the 沃伊诺维奇学校,他说. “我非常感激.”