

在newbb电子平台, 学生可以在250多个本科专业中选择, 从会计到世界宗教. 但如果没有一个是完全合适的呢? The 专业研究学士 (BSS) degree allows eligible students to create an individualized, 根据个人兴趣和需求量身定制的多学科学位. 与教师合作伙伴和BSS学术顾问密切合作, students design and combine areas of concentration equivalent in depth and breadth of study to a pre-established major.

通常, the 专业研究学士 degree is not appropriate as a second-degree (double major), 或者对于之前已经完成学士学位的人. 在特殊情况下, a person who has already completed a bachelor’s degree may petition the director of degree programs for permission to apply for and complete the BSS.

The BSS program is available on all newbb电子平台 campuses, including 俄亥俄州在线.


听起来很适合我. It gave me the creative freedom to hand-pick classes I felt were relevant to my future career. This program gave me the tools to form a major that will serve me in any workplace. 一开始我对未来的职业并不确定,但现在, 因为这个项目, 我期待着为我准备的未来.”

— Aaron Ray, BSS in technology and project management, minor in business administration



me to develop a major with an interdisciplinary approach to natural resources conservation. 作为一名转校生, I was also able to draw upon previous educational experiences to form an invaluable major best suited to my interests. Working as a butterfly field technician for the Iowa Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring Program in Iowa helped me learn essential skills in the field and forge connections with natural resources conservation professionals.”




different opportunities to experience things I would have never gotten to experience without my degree. 它在某种程度上帮助了我,让我珍惜我的童年, 我的生活, 还有我的教育. Working in the criminal justice field opens your eyes to a world that most people try to pretend doesn't exist. 它确实存在,当你在其中工作时,你会欣赏它的各个方面."

——jamie (McCoy) Chaney,心理学、社会学和社会工作BSS 



studies major as it allowed me the flexibility to spend my final semester earning college credit while interning in Washington, DC. That opportunity allowed me to gain invaluable experience that I could not have been afforded in a classroom. 不像其他轨道, the specialized degree allowed me to optimize my success not only as a college student but as a professional."

——imani Edwards,非洲共同体政治BSS

图片来源:Imani Edwards


专业研究学士 students may earn departmental honors through 大学学院.

  • 学生必须得3分.5个累积绩点,获得院系荣誉.
  • 荣誉论文至少跨越两个学期的研究是必需的. A student would be enrolled in SPST 4940H throughout the duration of the thesis research.
  • An honors thesis proposal must first be submitted to request access to SPST 4940H.


教师的合作伙伴 are faculty members who work with a pre-BSS student after their proposal has received a “green light” from their BSS advisor to enter this phase of proposal development.

获得终身教职的教员, 终身职位的, and full-time/permanent faculty are eligible to serve as a faculty partner. 访问ing and adjunct faculty as well as graduate students are ineligible to serve as faculty partners. 请注意你所在部门的要求, 如少数部门指定一名关键人员担任BSS联络员.

A pre-BSS student is seeking your expertise on their curriculum and transition plan. 如果你是教职员工, 你可以用两种方式回应bss预科学生的提案:

  1. Sign off on the proposal faculty partner signature line if you unconditionally support it. An email approval to the student and their BSS academic advisor is also permissible.
  2. Sign off on the proposal faculty partner signature line if you support it (with or without concerns) and check the adjacent box indicating you’d like to include a faculty rubric (attach faculty rubric). You may return the rubric directly with the student or email it to both the student and their BSS advisor.  


教师评论者 serve on the BSS Proposal Review and 入学 committee. 教员评审准则指导教员评审过程的一致性. The committee meets three times a year in clustered teams based upon the makeup of the proposals submitted that term.


请向……索取服务函 朱莉Cohara, Director of Degree 项目, to get credit for your service as a faculty partner or reviewer.


BSS截止日期延期表格 is used if a student has received a green light and has unique circumstances prohibiting from turning in the proposal by the required deadline. Extensions are due within one week of a formal deadline, and the green lit proposal must be attached. 期限延长可能会耽误毕业.

BSS/AIS替代表 在课程满/取消等情况下使用. and a student is no longer able to take a class without disruption to their timeline. Do not use this form if a student has failed an approved course or is pre-BSS.

BSS替代申诉表格 is used if a student has previously failed a course and wants to substitute it.

课程申请 是用来上诉任何BSS主要计划的要求. 在特殊情况下需要大量的文件. 这些很少被批准.


想推荐一个学生到BSS项目? You can do so in the referral tab in MyOhio Success Network or by encouraging your advisee to call 740-593-1935 to register for a BSS Information Session. Please do not use a traditional Update of Program form to change their major.  

在这个过程中,我共享的bss前顾问在哪里? 3月份的咨询高峰, you can view your advisee’s status in the pre-BSS success plan on MyOhio Success Network. If the plan is completed, their proposal is under review for final admission.











Lori Poch



















俄亥俄州在线 Academic顾问
