40.001: Equal Employment and Educational Opportunity






Inya Baiye | Director of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance


Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost


罗德里克J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 概述

    不得因种族而在就业或教育机会上歧视任何人, color, 宗教, 年龄, 种族, 国家的起源, 国家的祖先, 性, 怀孕, 性别, 性别 identity or expression, 性取向, military service or veteran status, mental or physical disability, or genetic information, except as explicitly provided for in this policy.

    大学教师, 工作人员, 学生, or volunteers may not retaliate against a person who has made a protected disclosure under this policy.

  2. 禁止的行为

    1. 歧视

      歧视 occurs when a person or group of people are denied rights, 好处, equitable treatment, or access to programs or facilities available to all others because of membership in a protected class. 受保护阶层的成员历来被剥夺了获得教育和就业机会的机会,或者在这方面的代表性不足,他们受到联邦和州民权法的保护,不受歧视, or university policy as listed in part (A) 这个政策.

    2. 骚扰

      骚扰被定义为针对部分列出的任何受保护类别的个人或一群人的行为 (A) 这个政策, that is:

      1. Severe enough to deny or limit participation in or full benefit of employment or educational opportunity at Ohio university; or

      2. 严重或普遍到足以创造一个工作或教育环境,一个理性的人会认为是恐吓, 充满敌意的, 或虐待.


    3. 不正当的性行为

      Ohio university's policy on 性ual mis行为, including 性ual 骚扰, is set forth in policy 03.004.

    4. 报复

      报复 is defined as adverse action or threat of an adverse action taken by the university, 或其成员, in response to a person who, 真诚地, makes a protected disclosure under this policy by:

      1. 向主管或适当的大学官员报告涉嫌的歧视或骚扰行为;

      2. 根据禁止歧视或骚扰的联邦或州法律或大学政策提出投诉;

      3. participating in an 调查 or proceeding under this policy; or

      4. 反对个人有理由认为歧视个人或群体违反大学政策的教育或就业做法.

      大学教师, 工作人员, 学生, 志愿者不得直接或间接使用或试图使用其职位或办公室的官方权力或影响,以干涉某人向其直接主管或其他适当的管理员或主管进行受保护的披露的权利, or other appropriate university official about matters within the scope 这个政策.

    5. Limitations of scope

      琐碎的怠慢, 烦恼, and isolated incidents (unless severe) of rude, 不文明的, 或者非学院行为一般不会上升到违反政策的程度,应该向主管提出. The legitimate exercise of supervisory authority, including oversight, 评价, and requiring adherence to standards of performance, 行为, 和安全, shall not be considered discrimination, 骚扰, or retaliation under this policy.

  3. 政策newbb电子

    1. 责任

      It is the responsibility of all members of the university community — faculty, 工作人员, 为学生创造和维持一个没有歧视的就业和教育环境. 监督大学遵守这项政策的责任已由大学校长委托给公平和民权合规主任. 平等和公民权利合规办公室(“ECRC”)负责调查所有基于联邦或州法律保护的任何身份的歧视和骚扰投诉, or university policy listed in part (A) 这个政策, and for complaints of retaliation as it relates to this policy as described in part (B)(4) 这个政策.

    2. Right to file a complaint

      任何认为自己受到联邦或州法律保护的身份歧视或骚扰的大学社区成员, or university policy listed in part (A) 这个政策, may file a complaint with the ECRC. 任何人如果认为他或她因本政策下受保护的披露而受到报复,可以向ECRC报告.

    3. Cooperation with 调查

      投诉人应在大学认为必要和适当的时间和方式内积极提供支持其投诉的信息,以便进行调查. 未能及时配合调查过程可能会损害大学进行调查和充分处理指控的能力. 第三方可以代表他们认为因违反本政策的行为而受到不利影响的人提出投诉. 所有员工和学生都必须按照ECRC的要求参与和配合调查.

      Information received in connection with the filing, 调查, 除了在调查过程中有必要披露细节或法律强制披露的情况外,指控的解决方案将被视为机密. 所有参与这一过程的人都应遵守同样的自由裁量权标准,并尊重参与这一过程的人的隐私.

    4. Anonymous complaints

      Anonymous complaints will be accepted; however, newbb电子平台调查或解决匿名投诉的能力可能会受到限制,因为我们获得额外信息的能力可能会受到损害.

      如果匿名投诉包含足以构成犯罪的行为的详细信息, then the complaint will be forwarded to the Ohio university police department. 如果匿名投诉包含足以构成违反本政策的行为的详细信息, the ECRC will exercise due diligence to address the concerns identified with the affected planning unit. For more detailed information on how a 骚扰 complaint or report will be investigated or resolved, 联络ECRC.

    5. 学生的行为

      本政策中描述的一些行为也可能受到newbb电子平台“学生行为准则”所规定的教育纪律处分程序的约束 http://www.OHIO.edu/communitystandards/.

  4. Affirmative action

    newbb电子平台将为所有具备适当就业资格的人提供平等的就业机会. 除了, 这所大学的政策是采取平权行动以促进就业机会平等, consistent with its obligations as a federal contractor, for minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for covered veterans. In conformance with federal regulations and Ohio university's affirmative action policy, newbb电子平台应制定并维护一份年度书面平权行动计划,供公众查阅.


Proposed revisions 这个政策 should be reviewed by:

  1. 教师参议院

  2. Administrative Senate

  3. Director of Equal Opportunity and Accessibility

  4. 院长

  5. Chairs and Directors

  6. Chief Human Resource Officer