现实世界警务的虚拟现实:俄亥俄州将为30人提供下一代虚拟现实培训,000 officers across the state

An immersive, 由newbb电子平台开发的基于场景的虚拟现实培训系列将成为俄亥俄州“俄亥俄警官培训学院”(OPOTA)的核心内容。,” a program that will help train approximately 30,000 law enforcement professionals across the state.

Sarah Filipiak BSJ '01, BS '23 | May 22, 2024


newbb电子平台沉浸式媒体制作人和沉浸式音频专家Jordan Herron在哥伦布的Cine-VR集上. Herron曾担任Ambisonic Audio制作人,制作了一系列的Cine-VR执法培训剧集.

newbb电子平台沉浸式媒体制作人和沉浸式音频专家乔丹·赫伦在片场. Herron担任Ambisonic Audio制作人,制作了一系列电影虚拟现实(Cine-VR)剧集.

Officer Mike Regan, played by Nick Steen, stands on a bridge featured in the episode, "Jumper on High Plains Bridge,这是俄亥俄州执法部门目前可以使用的六种新型电影虚拟现实(Cine-VR)培训之一.

Officer Mike Regan, played by Nick Steen, stands on a bridge featured in the episode, "Jumper on High Plains Bridge,这是俄亥俄州执法部门目前可以使用的六种新的Cine-VR培训之一.

A collaborative effort with far-reaching implications for policing

脚本化的Cine-VR场景是newbb电子平台(Ohio University)和哈佛大学(harvard University)的联合努力 Scripps College of Communication McClure School of Emerging Communication TechnologiesVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, the Athens Police Department, Ohio University Police Department and the Athens County Sheriff’s Office. The Columbus Division of Police also collaborated on the filming.

培训系列本身是与沃伊诺维奇公共服务卓越学院和联合国教科文组织合作开发的 Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab OHIO 360 Project, an award-winning Cine-VR program 为阿巴拉契亚地区的执法人员提供沉浸式虚拟现实培训.

“这是你所能得到的最接近于真正置身其中的场景之一,” said David Malawista, 他是雅典警察局的预备役指挥官,也是临床和法医心理学家. Malawista曾担任首席作家和麦克卢尔学院教授Eric R. Williams in developing the scenarios, 还有newbb电子平台警察局的蒂姆·瑞安队长和雅典县警长办公室的亚伦·梅纳德队长.

“If you’re immersed in [the scene], 这与你在书中读到的或在2D屏幕上看到的非常不同. 你在那里,你经历过,就像你绝对在那里,”马拉维斯塔说.




The virtual reality training, which includes a viewing discussion guide, is used to complement the Academy’s tactical and kinetic exercises. The point of the new training format, Malawista said, 是让警官们通过使用危机管理技术来练习应对和化解潜在的不稳定情况. “我们想教警察读懂人们的情绪和情绪状态, and learn how to de-escalate,” he said.

Tracy Plouck, dean of the Voinovich School of Leadership & Public Service, 注意到这一创新方法可以改善执法人员获得宝贵培训经验的方式. “Broadly embraced by veteran and rookie officers alike, (Cine-VR培训)为防止糟糕的事情发生提供了至关重要的经验教训和视角,” Plouck said. “这是newbb电子平台如何以积极的方式影响俄亥俄州的一个例子.”

VR technology that travels beyond the classroom

National studies 证明了“软技能”Cine-VR培训可以提高课堂学习效果, that Cine-VR learners are confident in applying that learning, and they are more likely to recall the experience more vividly.

“我认为我们才刚刚开始理解这种新媒体的重要性,” said Williams, the author of two books on Cine-VR. “想象一下,如果一个人把电影当成现实生活来记忆,会对他产生怎样的影响. That’s what we see happening with cine-VR.”

威廉姆斯指出,这种类型的记忆回忆不同于在传统的屏幕上简单地观看一个场景的展开, 同意Malawista的评价,即人们记得电影vr故事,就好像他们亲身经历过一样.

“当我听到人们谈论他们的(Cine-VR)体验时,我第一次开始对这种现象有所了解,” Williams said. “They said things like, ‘Remember when we were on the bridge?’.  You don’t say that with a movie. You say, ‘Remember that scene on the bridge?’. It’s a subtle difference, 但我坚信,科学最终会发现,这项技术比我们目前所了解的要强大得多.”



“人们开始谈论虚拟现实在军官培训中的强大作用, but nobody is doing what we’re doing yet,” Malawista said of Ohio University’s work in the Cine-VR realm.

With added instruction materials, 电影虚拟现实场景将嵌入到二十多个OPOTA课程中. The state mandates 24 hours of training each year for officers. OPOTA购买了160个头戴式耳机,其中将预装训练场景, and the organization plans to circulate the headsets statewide.

“这些VR眼镜是仅次于真实世界体验的最好的东西,因为警官们沉浸在瞬间的决策场景中,” Attorney General Dave Yost said in a May 15 news release. “If someone makes a mistake while using virtual reality, it doesn’t have consequences in the real world.”

Unique law enforcement trainings, one-of-kind impact

One unique component of the Cine-VR trainings, in addition to the 360-degree, immersive experience they provide, 是否使用屏幕上显示的图形来说明说话者的情绪状态. In one harrowing scene from the training videos, a young lady sits on a 40-foot tower, contemplating whether to jump, while an officer attempts to coax her to safety. 当她说话时,屏幕的一侧会出现彩色编码图形. 这些标签用来标记她说话时所表达的情绪,比如内疚、悲伤或希望. 

“警官们了解(处于危机中的人)有多种情绪状态,这一点非常重要。, and that they fluctuate back and forth," Malawista said, 注意到场景的版本可以在有和没有图形的情况下观看, to sharpen officers’ emotional intelligence skills. “First, you look at it and tell us what you see, now you can watch it with the graphics in a more concrete way,” he said.


“Approach it with an open mind. Let it sweep over you,” he said. “What do you make of what happens when you arrive? What is going on here, 有时它比乍看起来要微妙复杂得多.”