The Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling and Social 影响

Weaving together meaningful stories with those who live them



It would be impossible to list all the work done by the Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling and Social 影响, 它涵盖了从艾美奖获奖短片到出版奖学金再到为癌症儿童家庭筹款的各种活动.

Housed within the 斯克里普斯传播学院, 讲故事学院 is led by co-director 琳恩哈特 (教授 沟通研究)及副主任 乔·比安科 (副教授 传统骨科医学院),以及 汤姆·霍德森,名誉联席董事 梅根·韦斯特维尔特介绍,首席视频制作人. With an overarching goal of “catalyzing collective action,该研究所的工作分为两类:合作讲故事和叙事学术.

The hands-on work of storytelling happens with partners including non-profits, 拨款机构和私营企业. 学院与这些客户合作,以各种创新和突破性的形式讲述他们的故事, including short- and long-form digital stories and podcasts.



The Institute’s impact and reach were on full display during OHIO Giving Day 2024, 当时超过187名捐赠者筹集了超过25美元,000. 捐赠日筹集的资金将用于资助学生的体验式学习机会.

“言语不足以表达我们对那些花时间支持讲故事学院的人的感激之情, 人才, 和财富,哈特说。 about the Giving Day support. “我代表领导团队, 我们希望我们的“谢谢”将在俄亥俄学生正在进行的工作中得到证明,因为他们与社区成员一起学习,创造更公正和快乐的社区.”


Surrounded by brightly-colored puppets, a man juggles three large colorful items

Ph.D. 学生查克·卡明斯基(Chuck Kaminski)在故事学院的工作是他在工作之前很久就梦想的事情. "I could never have imagined how this story blossomed into my life,卡明斯基说.

查克·W. 卡明斯基博士说.D. candidate in the 传播研究学院, 他说,在讲故事学院的工作帮助他实现了自己的潜力,学习了学术研究方法和实践技能.

但最重要的是,卡明斯基说, “我的事业和生活现在取决于我所做的工作以及我在林恩工作中学到的技能, 讲故事学院, 和激情工作室. I cannot express my gratitude for the Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling and Social 影响, the dedicated work of Passion Works studio, the intellectual curiosities that have guided those involved." 

In this piece produced by 讲故事学院, Chuck Kaminski's experience and personal story are highlighted.


Perhaps the Institute's most recognizable collaboration is with 激情工作室. 在许多其他创造性的努力中, 位于雅典的社区艺术中心与故事研究所合作,记录了整个雅典社区建筑壁画的创作. Passion Works is known for its commitment to using upcycled materials, 在讲故事学院工作的学生可以亲身体验工作室及其艺术家. For Passion Works director and Storytelling Institute 社区 Fellow Patty Mitchell, 这种伙伴关系是一种自然的合作.

"[The Storytelling Institute] is dedicated to 学生 involvement, 视频文件, publishing articles and interpreting our work, making it easier for other communities to replicate,米切尔说. “主任博士. 琳恩哈特 has walked with us for over 21 years and we are grateful for her insight, passion and dedication to experiential learning for newbb电子平台 学生s."

激情工作室与Barbara Gerald Storytelling Institute的合作是社区和大学实体之间合作的一个充满活力的例子. 我们永远感谢研究所对我们的使命和他们帮助记录和扩大我们进程的工作所表现出的尊重.

Patty Mitchell, Passion Works director and community fellow with 讲故事学院
A group of five people is pictured, with the man in the middle holding a large yellow metal flower

研究所的领导团队. From left: 琳恩哈特, 梅根·韦斯特维尔特介绍, 汤姆·霍德森, Patty Mitchell, 乔·比安科

墙上挂着一床色彩鲜艳的大被子. It says "The Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling & 社会影响”

A large quilt hangs at the Institute's entrance. A dedication from the family of Barbara Geralds reads in part: "Our Mom always told us, “在你种下的地方生长.“我们相信她创办芭芭拉·杰拉德讲故事和社会影响研究所的梦想是通过分享经历来帮助人们成长和绽放。, 疗愈, 教学和讲故事."


Ella Spremulli is a 沟通研究 major in the 荣誉导师学院 她说,当她对对社区产生影响的前景感到“相当绝望”时,在讲故事研究所工作的机会来到了她的生活中.

"Through the introduction of narrative and storytelling, I found a way to share my voice and desires in a medium beneficial to myself and others, 无论是通过视觉媒体, 写作, 或艺术作品,斯普雷穆里说. “作为newbb电子平台的学生和雅典社区的一员,积极转变的鼓励引导着我的生活."


A large group of people, most wearing Bobcat gear, pose together

在2024年秋天, 在麦肯齐·辛普森接受癌症治疗期间,俄亥俄州排球队与她的家人站在一起(照片中,麦肯齐手里拿着一朵“把它变成金子”西西花).

其使命是提高人们对儿童癌症的认识,并与受影响的家庭团结一致, the Institute organized the "把它变成金子 with Passion" campaign, 这就带来了非营利组织 把它变成金子 and 10 OHIO athletic teams together to coordinate 把它变成金子-themed games. 该工作室还拥有一个“把它变成金子”产品线,将20%的收益直接捐赠给儿童癌症研究. 

Patty Mitchell和琳恩哈特讲述了激情工作室和把它变成金子运动之间的合作故事, which yielded a line of gold-colored passion flowers, 工作室的招牌产品. 米切尔说,卖花的医院礼品店“没有库存”.


在讲故事学院工作的学生协助创作内容和指导项目. During his time with the Institute, 弗朗西斯Ametepey, a graduate 学生 in the 传播与发展研究 程序, has worked on collaborative initiatives including Kindness Is Food, 操作蜂鸟, 和文化, 社区, 和连接项目.

“作为一名国际学生, 讲故事学院帮助我发现了自己的声音,并成为了我的国际学生的有力倡导者,Ametepey说. "It taught me the power of storytelling to transform perspectives, 创造积极影响, 改变叙述."


乔·比安科 leads podcast with Chuck Kaminski and Tobi Odunsi, doctoral candidates in the 传播研究学院.

A group of 学生s stand around a table, painting a large yellow mural

The OHIO women’s soccer team paints 把它变成金子 decorations at 激情工作室.

A group of people gather at a conference table, their attention directed toward an easel in front of them

琳恩哈特 and Patty Mitchell meet with 学生s Colin Cameron, 弗朗西斯Ametepey, 还有艾拉·斯普雷穆里.

Sugar Bush基金会

与Passion Works有交集的一个纵向项目是与Sugar Bush基金会的资助合作项目, 它与校园合作伙伴讲故事学院和社区合作伙伴Passion works合作. 现在已经是第四年了, the Sugar Bush partnership recently provided $50,000美元的资金, 使资金总额达到164美元,550. 

With more than 110 graduate and undergraduate 学生s working on the project, 讲故事学院 has produced 25 digital stories for the foundation.

“讲故事研究所通过帮助我们讲述自己的故事,改变了休格·布什基金会, giving 学生s voice to share their experience of working in university-community collaborations, giving us the tools to describe what the Sugar Bush Foundation does, clarifying our benefit to the university,海莉·沃斯说, 基金会主席. "Sugar Bush基金会 and 讲故事学院 both amplify the assets of the region, 所以学生们开始参与到这个地区, 学着去爱这个地方!"

In this piece produced by 讲故事学院 for the Sugar Bush Foundation, 这是基金会的核心承诺之一, 以区域资产为基础, 通过采访那些从基金会的工作中受益的组织和个人,生动地说明了这一点吗.


科林·卡梅隆博士.D. 学生


科林·卡梅隆是博士.D. 学生 in the 传播研究学院 who, as part of his position with 讲故事学院, has worked on the annual "Behind the White Coat" event, 邀请传统骨科医学学院的学生和教师讲述对他们来说最具个人和专业意义的故事.  

“现在,在我的博士学位读到一半的时候.D. newbb电子平台的项目, 讲故事学院为我提供了无数不同的经历,在那里,社区参与和学术研究交织在一起——从根本上体现了“边做边学”的含义,’”卡梅伦说。.


You can learn more about 讲故事学院’s initiatives on 脸谱网, X, Instagram, LinkedIn.