

newbb电子平台荣誉教师, staff and student inventors during an awards ceremony Feb. 26. The Inventors Dinner recognized individuals who engaged with the university’s Technology Transfer Office over the past year to commercialize their research findings, by protecting their intellectual property through the patent process.

newbb电子平台 has a successful track record in commercializing technologies. 该机构拥有102只活跃发行的美国国债.S. 专利和158项有效的非美国专利.S. 专利. newbb电子平台 received more than $110 million in royalty income from research licenses between fiscal year 2004 and 2020 to date.

newbb电子平台收到了以下美国奖学金.S. 2019年发明专利数量:

  • 迈克尔举行,化学与生物化学, “植物生物量消化率”

发明者, 以及密歇根州立大学的共同发明者, developed a method to genetically modify plants for increased biomass and improved digestibility. The biomass from these modified plants may be used to more efficiently produce renewable energy sources, 比如生物燃料.


霍华德Dewald(右)与EVPP Chaden Djalali
  • 霍华德·德瓦尔德,化学与生物化学, “Online Monitoring of Fuel Cell Reactions by Desorption Electrospray Mass Spectrometry”

This patent describes a mass spectrometry-based method for detecting fuel cell reaction products in near real-time. This ability for constant monitoring allows operators to keep the fuel cell operating at peak efficiency.


EVPP Chaden Djalali (left) presents a patent plaque to faculty inventor 穆罕默德•阿里
  • 穆罕默德·阿里和凯鲁尔·阿鲁姆,机械工程, 弹道防弹衣损伤传感系统及相关方法

Ballistic body armor does not always effectively prevent projectile penetration. 发明者s designed a conductive layer to be attached to the underside of a ballistic plate to sense penetration and generate a signal to notify authorities of potential injuries.


EVPP Chaden Djalali presents patent plaques to faculty inventor 刘张
  • 刘畅,电气工程与计算机科学, “使用动态模式进行业务参与识别”

CAPTCHA是一种挑战测试,用于确定用户是否是人类. This patent describes a CAPTCHA whereby the user must trace a shape being generated within a background that is randomly changing. Detection of a pattern in a dynamic setting is difficult for a computer, 但人类的大脑可以很快分辨出潜在的模式.


The unique feature protected by this patent is the use of a motion-based authentication system in which a user traces a ‘password’ shape in a three-dimensional environment. 发明者s previously patented a two-dimensional version for touchpads.


Stephen Bergmeier和Xiaoz Huo
EVPP Chaden Djalali presents patent plaques to Stephen Bergmeier (left) 陈晓卓 (right)
  • Stephen Bergmeier, 化学与生物化学, 陈晓卓, 爱迪生生物技术研究所/生物医学科学, 抑制葡萄糖转运的成分和方法

This composition of matter patent covers novel anticancer compounds that inhibit basal glucose transport, resulting in tumor suppression and new methods for the study of glucose deprivation in cancer research.


Stephen Bergmeier和Doug Goetz
EVPP Chaden Djalali presents patent plaques to Stephen Bergmeier (left) and Doug Goetz (right)
  • Stephen Bergmeier和Mark McMills, 化学与生物化学, 和道格拉斯·格茨, 化学与生物分子工程“,, “Imidazole and Thiazole Compositions for Modifying Biological Signaling”

This patent covers new compounds that may be used in pharmaceutical compositions that modify various biological signaling processes or as reagents for biological assays. 除此之外, these compounds may be therapeutically useful for the prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and to modify GSK-3 activity in the body.


Doug Goetz
EVPP Chaden Djalali presents patent plaques to faculty inventor Doug Goetz (right)
  • Douglas Goetz, 化学与生物分子工程“,, and Kelly McCall, Specialty Medicine, 《newbb电子平台》

This patent utilizes novel organic compounds to treat or reduce the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

  • 林恩·鲍曼,生物科学, “Systems and Methods for Estimating the Stiffness of a Bone Using Mechanical Response Tissue Analysis”

This patent provides methods and systems for estimating the mechanical properties of a bone. This could be utilized as a non-radiating diagnostic test for osteoporosis or other bone disorders.

  • 亚历山大·戈沃罗夫,物理学和天文学, “Compositions of Matter Having a Mixture of Strongly Plasmonic Nanorods and Exhibiting an Extinction Spectrum Transparency Window”

A medium is described in which a mixture of nanoparticles is designed to create a customized transparency window of a clearly defined wavelength band. 例如, visible light could be allowed through the medium while all other wavelengths would be blocked.

除了, newbb电子平台荣誉教师, students and staff who disclosed inventions and for whom the university filed 专利. Invention disclosure is the first step in the technology commercialization process. Technology Transfer Office staff review these disclosures to determine if the intellectual property can be patented and licensed for commercial use. 如果是这样的话, the office files for domestic and foreign patent protection as appropriate, and works with inventors to identify licensing opportunities that can develop the technologies into useful products for the marketplace.

除了, the Technology Transfer Office works closely with the university’s high-tech business incubator, 创新中心, 以及国家资助的创业服务提供商项目, TechGROWTH俄亥俄州, to connect inventors to business coaches and sources of seed funding that can help them launch startup companies if appropriate.

For more information about the newbb电子平台 Technology Transfer Office, visit www.俄亥俄州.edu/research/tto.

Haldan Kirsch摄影