




Heritage College, Athens
黎明Mollica让ORUP顺利运行, 顺利组织和促进重大活动和项目, 及时响应帮助请求, 并以一贯的优雅和幽默来完成这一切. “她是我们办公室对医学生和其他人的形象, and they notice that she deeply cares,” wrote one nominator. “She is always gracious, always responsive to in-person and email requests for clarification and assistance, and always cheerful. 她是我们团队中真正的促进型领导者, keeping us on the same page and moving us forward with her positive attitude." 

Another nominator mused that while an outstanding employee is competent, reliable and responsible, Mollica还表现出其他重要的品质, 也许最好的概括就是情商.“她对遇到的每个人都很友好,很尊重,不仅随时准备好,而且渴望帮助他们解决手头的问题,” the nominator said. “她对任何互动的反应都是微笑和问候, 让你感到不仅受欢迎,而且暗示. “我是来帮你处理任何问题的.’ ”



泰勒普洛佛, IT Support Specialist
Heritage College, Dublin

作为IT支持专家,泰勒普洛佛的工作涉及许多职责, 包括为在都柏林校区临床培训和评估中心进行的所有学习活动提供IT支持. 泰勒支持都柏林CTAC的意愿, beyond his typical IT support role, 是否为他人树立了新的卓越标准,” his nominator said, citing as one example a technological innovation that Provo created with a colleague, Dublin CTAC Coordinator Ryan Warner.

泰勒和瑞安设计并建造了一个自动化的架空公告系统,用于标准化的患者实验室和客观结构化的临床检查. “Their new system has led to an increase in the efficiency of Dublin CTAC activities,” the nominator said, resulting in an improved student learning experience and a cost savings for some CTAC activities.

除了, the project earned an invitation to present at the 20th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. “这是我们的学习创新第一次在国际舞台上得到认可,” the nominator noted, and will include publication of an abstract in Simulation in Healthcare. “Tyler's efforts not only demonstrate an exemplary individual achievement, 也为学校做出了宝贵的贡献,” his nominator added.




克里斯汀·福尔,M.D., Associate Clinical Professor
Department of 初级护理
Heritage College, Cleveland

提名克里斯汀·福尔(Christine Fall)的同事.D., 都对她的计划和执行赞叹不已, as sole instructor of record, the second-year Chronic Illness course in the college’s new 健康与健康之路课程. Fall不仅完成了一位提名人所说的“巨大”任务, but did so in stellar fashion, 他们说.

“她为自己设定了极高的标准, and by her example inspired the course team and sub-unit teams to meet that standard,” one nominator wrote. “不仅课程的执行非常成功, she always listened to the students and responded to them quickly and gracefully.”

其他提名者也支持这一评价. "作为慢性疾病课程的唯一IoR, 克里希已经, 一次又一次, demonstrated her ability to stay ahead of what seems like an infinite number of details, and remain humble and thoughtful,一个人说. “Chrissy总是在思考如何最好地处理一个情况, 如何有效地构建活动, how the students are performing and how to make a better course for next year.”






临床教育 Process Manager

As process manager for the college’s records management team for clinical education, 唐娜Veliz与一组同事一起处理涉及管理学生记录和管理信息系统流程的广泛职责. 其中包括帮助临床站点的人员浏览EValue, keeping staff up-to-date with advancing technology and helping with the credentialing of clinical faculty.

同事们都很欣赏Veliz用一位提名人所说的“安静的力量”来处理这项艰巨的工作, wisdom and cheery demeanor.” “She has a calm demeanor, even when presented with stressful situations,” one nominator said. “She treats everyone with respect, kindness and compassion that is above and beyond.”

一位同事称维利兹是“迄今为止最善良的人”, 他是我所认识的最积极和乐于助人的人,称赞她“强烈的职业道德和为他人服务的态度……我很感激我每次给唐娜打电话。, she answers the phone with genuine friendliness and happiness to have the opportunity to speak with me. 尽管她的办公桌上有一大堆工作要做, 唐娜总是及时满足我的需求.” 



行政 Specialist 

特蕾西麦克基本的工作包括协调我们地区健康教育中心的许多活动部分和职责,作为一个两人办公室的一半. She does her job so well, according to her nominator, that her work can often go unnoticed “because of the lack of disruption it has on the college. 这是由于特蕾西没有造成干扰.”

Without McKibben’s ability to work within multiple people’s schedules while “putting our students first,” the nominator wrote, “med students wouldn't be provided the organized BLS (basic life support) training they receive, 我们的医生也得不到Tracy提供的专业客户服务,因为这与他们的继续医学教育时间和报告有关.”

赞扬了McKibben的计划和组织能力, 提名者称她是“那种提前计划的员工……为部门提供了一个压力较小的工作环境。. Tracy is one of those employees who goes the extra mile and considers everyone else's needs above herself.”



罗塞伦·罗奇,m.s.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor 
Department of 初级护理 
Heritage College, Cleveland

Rosellen 罗氏公司的学生提名者赞扬了她作为导师和研究顾问的服务,她慷慨地分享了她丰富的专业知识,并在需要时花时间提供情感支持. “Dr. 罗氏已经超越了作为研究顾问的范畴, valued faculty member and mentor,” one nominator said. “在我们的临床教育中,她指导了研究小组的学生成员.” 

“她总是愿意伸出援助之手,”另一位提名人说. “学生们喜欢她,她也喜欢和学生们一起工作. 在某种程度上,她指导或合作的学生总是不止一个……她的知识真的很丰富,这真的很了不起.”

另一名学生表示,有机会以研究顾问的身份与罗氏公司合作,“确实是我在医学院期间最有意义的经历之一. She has shown me how to take my interest and ideas and turn them into tangible, 有意义的产出,可以在这个领域和其他领域产生影响……她总是积极的,愿意倾听和倾听任何人在任何时候,他们需要它.” 





林恩沃 and others

Manager, 遗体捐献计划
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Heritage College, Athens 

As the person who manages the 遗体捐献计划 and ensures that the medical morphology lab runs smoothly, 林恩沃 is an important member of the Heritage College’s academic team. “Although she doesn't participate in teaching the activities occurring in the lab, her ongoing management and support is critical to the success of those activities,” said her nominator. 

As part of her duties, 沃为遗体捐赠计划招募和招收新成员, which includes interacting with donor families and processing required paperwork. But her work extends further, making sure that faculty have the resources they need to teach students in the lab. 在每个实验室之前, 我向她要临时材料或额外资源, and they are always ready,” her nominator said. “当我们过渡到一个新的学期或学习活动, she is often reminding me of the resources needed for the upcoming labs.” 

该学院在都柏林和克利夫兰建立医学形态学实验室时,也受益于沃的独特技能和知识, and she continues to support medical morphology learning activities at each site. “Regardless of the wide-ranging responsibilities and situations she encounters, 林恩很乐观, has a great sense of humor and is extremely helpful and easy to work with,” her nominator said. 



Executive Assistant
Office of 临床教育
Heritage College, Dublin 

当临床教育办公室缺少支持人员时, Executive Assistant Jan喜怒无常 stepped up to take on additional duties without hesitation. “Jan has filled their shoes, 没有问题, added new tasks to her plate, 而且是以一种积极和专业的方式完成的, both within the Office of 临床教育 and externally with hospital partners,一个说。 nominator.   

除了 to assisting with reports, 餐饮, meeting agendas and more, 穆迪还确保临床教育办公室在过去几年中为OPTI[骨科 博士后培训机构]维护必要的记录, 她还协助工作人员为向单一GME认证过渡的机构和项目开发新课程. Moody also has represented the college as a member of newbb电子平台’s 分类 Senate.  

With her attention to detail, 她的主动性和对新任务的积极投入, Moody has brought a fresh eye and new ideas to discussions throughout the Office of 临床教育. 她从不犹豫地主动帮助同事完成任务,甚至会问一些探索性的问题,以改善我们的集体工作成果,” said another nominator.







丹·史密斯 holding award

Telehealth Director
Heritage College, Athens

远程医疗主任丹·史密斯于4月30日退休, the college lost a trusted resource and its well-known “voice in the sky.”“我无法开始衡量他在遗产学院工作多年来给学校带来的影响,一个说。 nominator. “Dan arrives to work before many, 直到最近, 我通常会比大多数人待得更晚,以确保视频会议的无缝衔接,并为遗产学院的所有活动提供学术支持, 行政, 学生, 社会, 等.” Over the last year, 史密斯和视频会议团队支持了超过11个,500 hours of videoconferencing, 包括6个,为支持俄亥俄州心理健康的远程医疗网络提供了000小时的服务 & 戒毒服务和霍普韦尔健康中心.

但史密斯的专长并不止于此. “无论你是在寻求一般的IT建议,还是在寻找有关特定咖啡豆原产地的信息, 丹的百科全书般的大脑会找到你要找的东西,” said another nominator. Dan has always been a great resource for just about any issue we had and needed assistance with.” And through it all, nominators agree that he’s always been a great colleague. “他的外向, fun personality has made for a very entertaining work place and a pleasure to be around,一个说。. “He always provides valuable feedback, 即使这不是我想听的,” said another nominator. “He is always willing to share with you his stock of coffee or tea and give you a HCOM history lesson!”

除了 to his CARE award, 史密斯还获得了万亿奖——万亿#111,因为他一直是格罗夫纳西111号天空中的声音——以表彰他多年来对学院的奉献.


米里亚姆·托马斯 holding award

Employment Coordinator
Office of 行政 服务
Heritage College, Athens

长期以来,就业协调员米里亚姆·托马斯(米里亚姆·托马斯)一直欢迎那些与我们人力资源办公室联系的人. But earlier this year, 当她开始协助执行院长办公室时,她心甘情愿地扩大了自己的职责,因为那里的支持人员都去了学校的其他职位. 她很快投入到整理文件和计划办公室搬迁的工作中, 同时还要处理来自学院主要电话线路的独特咨询,并继续处理她在人力资源部的职责. 她轻松地完成了每一项新任务,或者将其视为一种挑战/机会,以更多地了解学院和大学,一个说。 nominator. “我们非常感激和感谢她超越职责的召唤,在学院内学习一个新的办公室,在我们最需要的时候帮助我们!”

The fact that Thomas pitched in so quickly doesn’t surprise those who know her best, though. “自从我来到传统学院, 米里亚姆的职业道德给我留下了深刻的印象, welcoming presence and thoroughness,” said another nominator. 看了她在教务处的表现之后, I also must add ‘flexibility’ and ‘graciousness’ to the qualities I admire in Miriam.”


Yuriy Slyvka holding award

尤里·斯莱夫卡,M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Heritage College, Athens

When Felicia Nowak, M.D., Ph.D., 他是传统学院的长期教员, 今年早些时候意外去世, Associate Lecturer 尤里·斯莱夫卡,M.D., Ph.D., 迅速上前帮助确保她的研究, her students and even her family had needed support during this difficult time. “Yuriy has demonstrated incredible loyalty and dedication in honoring Dr. 诺瓦克和她的研究,”一位提名人说. “他继续致力于她的研究项目和手稿,以确保作品以她的名义发表. 在这段艰难的时期,他表现出了极大的无私,他说他唯一关心的是让她的作品出版,作为她永恒遗产的一部分.”

Another nominator noted that much of Slyvka’s support has gone on quietly, out of the public eye. 他在幕后做了很多工作,以确保她的学生有他们需要的东西,并确保她的研究将继续蓬勃发展. Sonia Najjar,” the nominator said. And while his dedication to securing Nowak’s research legacy is notable, nominators also were quick to point out that Slyvka’s dedication didn’t end there. “Yuriy has welcomed Felicia's son into his home and family,” said another nominator. “很多次, we think of this award in terms of the qualities that an employee demonstrates in the office or in the lab, 但是尤里的关心, 同情心和品格显然远远超出了工作场所.”