OHIO Guarantee+ Fixed Tuition and Fees Principles

February 10, 2014 | Updated January 10, 2020

The OHIO Guarantee is a cohort based, level‐rate tuition, housing, dining, 和收费模式,确保学生和他们的家庭在本文件概述的参数范围内,在newbb电子平台攻读本科学位的一套综合费率. A student’s tuition, housing, dining, 费率是根据首次注册确定的,并保持“水平”或不变, for 4 years (12 consecutive semesters).


These Principles, along with the Ohio University Board of Trustees approved rates, will be published on The OHIO Guarantee website, which will be linked from Ohio University Bursar, Undergraduate Admissions and other student service websites as appropriate.

Definition of Students Included in the OHIO Guarantee

从2015 - 16学年开始(2015年秋季学期或2016年春季学期), 每一个新的学位寻求第一年或转本科(学士和副学士)的学生, regardless of campus of admission or enrollment, will be part of The OHIO Guarantee at Ohio University.

学生的俄亥俄保证队列是根据入学的第一个学期(秋季或春季学期)建立的, excluding summer semester) at Ohio University. 第一次入学是夏季学期的学生将在第一个夏季学期之后的下一个秋季或春季学期加入后续的等级队列.

Each year, newbb电子平台董事会将建立一个新的水平-费率结构,以适用于本学年首次入学的新学生.

Additional details regarding the establishment of the student’s cohort:

Establishment of the Cohort Group

任何学生在每学期第二周的星期五之后的第二天注册上课,都被认为是该学期的“注册”, or the equivalent date for classes that do not meet the full semester. 入学的第一学期建立了如上所述的学费水平队列. This establishment date is intentionally the same as the “no‐refund” date – the date after which students are charged 100% tuition and fees for the semester regardless of classes dropped on this date or thereafter; the official transcript includes all classes enrolled as of this date. 对于时间灵活的课程,公布的“不退款”日期是费率队列建立日期.

Summer Start Students

第一学期为夏季学期的学生将支付现行的夏季费率, 但将被视为随后秋季入学班级的一部分,并被分配到与秋季入学学生相同的水平-率队列. For example, 从2020年夏季学期开始的学生将支付该夏季的2019年同期费率, 然后将被转移到新的2020年队列,并以俄亥俄州的保证率增加4年(连续12个学期).

Relocating Students from Ohio University Regional Campuses


Individually Enrolled Athens and Regional Campus Students

In addition to fully relocated students, 一些地区校区的学生在地区校区和newbb电子平台newbb电子同时上课. As all new students at any campus will be defined within a cohort, 这使得在多个校区的学生的学费计算可以使用水平-费率结构,而不管他在哪个校区开始.

Continuing Students

继续学习的学生(2014 - 15年夏季之前入学的学生)不属于俄亥俄保证的一部分. These students will follow the undergraduate non-Guarantee tuition schedule.

Nondegree Students

被录取或注册为非学位学生(不攻读本科学位)的学生不属于俄亥俄保证的一部分. For example, high school students in the College Credit Plus program, other high school students, honors academy students, exchange students, local students taking occasional classes, etc. Once a student is defined as degree‐seeking, however, 他们将根据第一学期的入学情况被分配到相应的队列中.

Re-enrolling Students

在2015 - 16年秋季之前被学位课程录取的重新招生学生将遵循传统的学费模式, as the continuing students do, and are not part of The OHIO Guarantee. 最初于2015 - 2016年秋季或之后入学的重新入学的学生将在各自的水平-费率队列中,并在连续12个学期过去后遵循常规规则.

Length of Cohort Guaranteed Rate

A student in The OHIO Guarantee will have 4 years (12 consecutive semesters, including fall, spring and summer)  at the level rate regardless of course load (i.e., student could be enrolled full‐time, half‐time, or not enrolled). This provides all students the opportunity to complete as many hours, majors, minors, certificates, or degrees within the 4 year (12 consecutive semesters) cohort. 它促进了早期学位的完成,并简化了学生从一个保证的队列转到另一个队列的计算, thereby, 公平对待所有学生,无论学生给newbb电子平台带来多少学分.

Length of Cohort Rate Table

The OHIO Guarantee cohorts are for 4 years (12 consecutive semesters). 有些学生可能需要在12个学期之外的额外学期来完成他们的学士学位, in certain circumstances, apply for an exception. 例外-学生必须在4年(连续12个学期)学期结束前申请例外. 获得批准的例外学生可以按照既定的队列率获得额外的学期.

Costs Assessed at OHIO Guarantee Rates



  • 教学费用-所需费用包括与教学相关的费用,是学费的一个组成部分. 如果学生在雅典或地区校园班注册,则学费费率基于学生的水平费率队列. 雅典或地区校区的任何课程(包括非eccampus的在线课程)的学费费率将根据学生已建立的水平费率队列确定并包含在该课程中.
  • GENERAL FEE – The general fee is a required component of tuition, and it provides funding for non-instructional student services. The fee is charged to every student who is enrolled in at least one class. 该费用支持的服务和活动促进了学生的身心健康, as well as their cultural and social development outside the classroom. If a student enrolls in Athens or regional campus classes, 然后,一般费率是基于并包含在学生已建立的水平费率队列中.
  • 非居民费用-该费用适用于所有不符合俄亥俄州居住资格的学生. 它用于资助州政府为符合条件的俄亥俄州居民支付的教育费用. 如果学生不符合居住要求的学费目的注册课程, 然后,非居民附加费的费率基于并包含在学生已建立的水平费率队列中.
  • 住房价格-俄亥俄保证的学生将受到代表各种住房选择的住房价格水平的影响. 向学生收取的费用取决于学生选择或分配的住宿类型,例如.g., single room, double room with air conditioning, etc. If a student changes from one room type to another, 向学生收取的水平住房费率将根据队列住房费率表上的既定价格而变化, subject to availability of the room type. 选择住在学校超过第二年的学生不能保证有一个空间或房间类型. However, 如果满足两年校园居住要求的学生有一个房间,那么将按照现有房间类型的既定队列费率执行.
  • 烹饪服务膳食计划费率-俄亥俄州担保的学生将根据所选择的膳食计划类型接受不同级别的膳食计划费率. 学生可以根据既定的队列费率从多种膳食计划中进行选择.
  • CAREER & 体验式学习费用-职业和体验式学习费用为促进学生参与六种体验式学习中的一种或多种的服务和资源提供资金:社区参与, creative endeavor, internships, leadership, research, and study abroad/away. 所需费用基于并包含在学生的俄亥俄担保队列中.

Additional Student Expenses Included in the OHIO Guarantee

俄亥俄保证的目标是提供在newbb电子平台完成本科学位的预期费用的全面视图. 以下费用包含在OHIO保函中,而不是单独计费:

  • 耗材费-课程中提供的耗材包括在学生等级队列的学费和费用中.
  • 学生信息系统/网络费用-学生信息系统/网络费率包含在学生水平费率队列的学杂费中.
  • 技术费-技术费费率包含在学生的既定水平费率队列的学杂费中.
  • newbb电子平台新生辅导费用——newbb电子平台新生辅导费用的学生部分将包含在学生的学杂费中.
  • 毕业申请费-毕业申请费将包括在学生的学杂费中,不会在申请毕业时作为单独的费用收取.
  • 个人课程费用-为了完全透明,并确保与个人课程相关的费用包含在俄亥俄保证中, 本科生个人课程费用将作为单一不变的费率包含在俄亥俄州担保中. An average per student cost will be determined and charged to all students, 因此,消除了任何意想不到的变化,可能会发生从每年的学生收费. 有明确的指导方针和例外情况概述,包括但不限于:
    • 少数高成本项目或活动的课程费用将在标准学杂费(如学费)之外或之外进行评估.g., assessed due to travel or aviation costs that exceed a pre‐determined amount).
    • 项目费用/出国留学费用/国内旅费‐这些项目的教学费用和一般费用将包含在俄亥俄保证中. However, additional fees (e.g., flight costs, activity fees, etc.) are not part of the OHIO Guarantee.

Cohort Pricing Model

随后的队列增长将由未来两年一次的立法规定的学费上限与CPI的滚动平均值相结合决定. 该费率将以俄亥俄州其他四年制研究同行机构的四年滚动成本平均值为基准,以考虑队列定价模型. Any change in comparison, newbb电子平台的定价模式已经大大低于那些同行机构,将提交给俄亥俄州评议委员会主席批准.

Full-time/Half-time/Multi-campus Students

根据大学目录,俄亥俄保证的学生可以根据自己的意愿注册少或多的学时,每学期最多20学时. Exceeding 20 hours requires college student services office approval. 非夏季入学的第一学期建立了水平-学费率队列,学生有连续的12个学期, including the initial non‐summer semester, to graduate with the guaranteed rate. 在newbb电子学习少于全日制课程的学生将按小时支付学费, prorated amount based on the full‐time guaranteed cohort rate. If a student is enrolled on more than one campus, 然后根据在每个校区注册的学时数计算学费, not to exceed the comprehensive rate of The OHIO Guarantee.

Students Who Stop Out/Withdraw and Return

If a student in The OHIO Guarantee cohort chooses to stop out, withdraw, or is judicially suspended from the University, 那么学生将在12个学期的保证期内缺课,使用符合资格的学期. When this student re‐enrolls, if 12 semesters have not lapsed since initial enrollment, 然后,学生仍然要根据他们原来的班级收取保证费率. If 12 semesters have passed, 然后,重新入学的学生将被转移到下一个队列(队列加一个),除非该队列已超过15个学期, then cohort plus two; more than 18 then cohort plus three; etc. 在2015年夏季之前入学的重新入学学生(在秋季或春季学期辍学的学生)将不被纳入队列, therefore, 不属于俄亥俄保证的一部分,并将遵循传统的学费模式.

Programs That Require 4+ Years

被俄亥俄州校务委员会认定需要超过128个小时才能完成的课程的学生将自动获得额外的第13个学期的保证. 这些课程目前需要129到133个学时,只占学生的很小一部分. 如果学生从标准的128或更少学时的课程内部转学到这些课程之一, (s)he will receive the automatic 13th semester in The OHIO Guarantee.

Students Complete More Than One Credential

Students may complete as many undergraduate degrees, majors, minors, 和/或在俄亥俄州担保的4年(连续12个学期)期限内能够获得的证书. 同时攻读学士学位和研究生课程学分的学生将根据俄亥俄保证队列评估其本科课程学分. If the student is receiving graduate course credit, then the student will be charged the appropriate graduate fees (instructional, general, course, etc.) for those hours.

Students Graduate in Fewer Than 12 Semesters

在少于12个学期毕业的学生将继续被允许在初始水平队列中注册课程,直到连续12个学期通过. The OHIO Guarantee is designed to encourage graduation, and students should be congratulated for finishing in fewer than 12 semesters. 与其他需要修满12个学期课程的学生相比,这些学生将会节省开支.

Students Who Require More Than the 4 years (12 Consecutive Semesters)

Students who take more than 12 semesters to graduate, are not in a program approved to require 4+ years, and are not part of an exception group (defined below), at the end of their 12th semester, 将自动进入俄亥俄州担保队列,该队列在其初始队列(初始队列加1)后一年生效。. 该学生将在该队列中最多再学习三个学期,如果在此之后仍然注册,将被安排到下一个队列(初始队列加两个)中学习接下来的三个学期, etc. until the student is no longer enrolled.

Exceptions For Students Who Require More Than 12 Semesters

有些学生由于无法控制的情况,需要超过12个学期才能毕业(被批准为4年以上的专业需要13个学期). Each case will need to be evaluated on its own merit.

由于情有可原的情况,俄亥俄州担保延期的请求由学费上诉委员会进行评估. 有关申诉程序和适用表格的说明可在执行副校长和教务长网页上获得.


  • 被召服现役或预备役的学生-被召服现役的学生将根据其服役时间影响的学期数自动延长担保.
  • 为残疾提供合理的便利-如果确定额外的学期是俄亥俄州保证内学生残疾影响的合理便利, 负责学生无障碍服务的副院长将为适当的延续提出建议.
  • 医疗状况-有可减轻的医疗问题的学生将需要根据其独特情况提交上诉以延长队列比率. 上诉将需要单独评估,并根据医疗问题的性质作出决定.

In the following circumstances, 俄亥俄保证的延期是自动授予的,不需要上诉:

  • 俄亥俄州强化英语课程(OPIE) -学生可以在完成OPIE语言培训的同时入学攻读学位课程. If this is the case, then the student will be given automatically the additional semester(s), beyond the standard 12 semesters, equal to the number of semesters they were in OPIE classes, up to the maximum 18. 非攻读学位的OPIE学生后来申报学位后,将被安置在与他们被录取攻读学位课程的学期相关的队列中.
  • 实习/CO - OPS -通过学院获得批准的实习和/或CO - OPS的学生可以获得与他们参加实习/CO - OPS学分的学期相同的额外学期.
  • 大学错误-如果确定大学错误导致学生不得不延长俄亥俄保证计划中预期的12个学期, 然后,学生将获得额外的学期来完成他们的学位.
  • 如果一个学生不能在四年内完成他们的学位课程,因为必修课程, or available space in a required course, was not offered, the University will provide the necessary course(s) in compliance with H. B. No. 59 Section 3345.48. To be considered for this exemption, a student must file an appeal through The OHIO Guarantee appeals committee. 该申诉必须通过学生的DARS报告证明受影响的课程是必需的, 该学生在该学期的第二周课程开始之前与指导老师会面,讨论替代方案, and that there was no resolution available.